
My only beef with the ACA is that stupid penalty they force you to pay if you don’t have coverage. And no, the affordable care act is not affordable for everyone. When I was a contract worker a couple years ago, I made more than what was required to get a steep discount in price and the cheapest premium I could find

Sssshhhhhhhh... Let people enjoy things...

How was the first amendment violated?

Except this circle was “completed” by a woman.

Not a man. Thx.

You do realize that the word “mansplaining” is a sexist term used for when a man is condescending, right? Toriyama isn’t being condescending in this. Just because a man is explaining something doesn’t mean that is is mansplaining.

You do realize, and I hope you would since your said you are a lawyer, that the laws were different back when your mom supposedly did it and now.

Best line: “Someone... get this man a shield.”

Ran into Target after Thanksgiving dinner to grab Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy XII for $15 and $25 respectively and on my way out grabbed Spiderman: Homecoming, Lego Batman: The Movie, The Oregon Trail card game expansion and the Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego card game for $75 and was out of the store in

Target has it for $15 dollars for Black Friday

Target has it for $15 dollars for Black Friday

So you’re ok with pedophilia?

On a quick side not, Trump may have appointed him as the FCC chairman but Pai was commissioned to the FCC originall by Obama back in 2012. He supported net neutrality back under Obama but doesn’t right now. This has nothing to do with Trump. Now that he is chairman, I can guarantee you that ISP’s are coming to him in

Trump has nothing to do with what Pai is trying to accomplish. In fact, Pai was commissioned to the FCC orignally BY OBAMA. The man works for the FCC because of Obama and is carrying out his own personal goals that ISP’s more than likely paid him to do.

That’s surprising. I remember an article from Kotaku from a couple years ago where a traveler coming home to the US from Japan was arrested for possessing child porn in the form of the Negima manga.

Nice “guide” you have there. Would be a shame if there was more to it than “go download these 2 apps.” When I try to go get the beta, it says it’s by invite only.

So child porn is OK as long as it is with fake cartoon characters? Riiiiight....

It’s because it is a niche film sequel to a niche film. Hardly anyone knew about it because a lot of people didn’t care to see the first one, however amazing they are.

So where is the line drawn with child porn and the borderline porn side of the loli-cons?

How to Win Friends and Influence People is FANTASTIC

This isn’t surprising considering how anime companies and fans seem to be completely fine with borderline child porn with the loli community.