They’re bringing SHIELD back into the movies? Interesting.
Which is why he is secretly #1
This movie looked good before this trailer. Keyword: BEFORE
Sooooo... Bill Nye the Science Guy?
All I get from this article is that you don’t enjoy something unless it’s edgy and artistic. It’s going to be a fun movie and looks better than I was expecting it to be.
So Josh Brolin is Thanos AND Cable?
Wasn’t there an issue where we find that there was another Steve Rogers?
Who’s the chick supposed to be? Lola? I can’t think of any character she would be other than her.
Except that the pats of the brain that it lights up are the same parts that light up when you get a high off things like drugs or feeding an addiction like alcoholism or smoking.
Cool story bro
Your response to the porn question is pathetic. There have been dozens of studies done on the effects of what porn does to the mind and I’m willing to bet, nay, convinced, the reason his sex life sucks is because he has been addicted to it for two decades. He is comparing his wife to what he sees on the screen. Porn…
TIL: Michael Rosenbaum was in GotG Vol. 2.
Shhhhhh... Let them continue... Let natural selection take it’s course...
Coding should not be required. Not everyone is good at coding. You either get it or you don’t Why make another required school subject that some people will suck at while others excel at? It should be chosen as an elective instead.
How do you know he’s the main villain? What if he is just a side villain like there normally are in games like this?
Fix your misleading title. The XBOneX is not a new generation.
Uhhhh... Yes Vixen died in LoT but it was the one from the Doomworld timeline. She is still very much alive as seen in the finale.
OK. Let me expand upon my previous comment because Gawker won’t let me edit:
They should change the validation period to be every 2 months instead of every year.