It’s funny to see how you guys have SO MANY Trump bashing “articles” yet there are almost no articles of ACTUAL journalism of what WikiLeaks is doing with all of the emails of Hillary, Obama and the like.
It’s funny to see how you guys have SO MANY Trump bashing “articles” yet there are almost no articles of ACTUAL journalism of what WikiLeaks is doing with all of the emails of Hillary, Obama and the like.
The rubbermaid deal is an add-on only deal, meaning you can’t get it for $10 unless you spend $25 of a qualifying item.
The rubbermaid deal is an add-on only deal, meaning you can’t get it for $10 unless you spend $25 of a qualifying…
Looking back on it, it would have been best to kill off one of the two and then kill the other out of nowhere. Have Abraham be the one that died last season and then Glenn out of nowhere.
I didn’t realize until the very last fight that the Stardust dealer was the guy Stephen Amell had the wrestling match with.
Ollie’s kid is not there because the mother and child went away and Oliver didn’t want to know where they went to. They are no longer in Star City.
Do those other objects have 5 moons orbiting them?
Such a compelling argument! Let me respond:
Planet Nine already exists. It’s called Pluto.
I feel like, after seeing this, that the Wii U was just one big beta console for this
It was Skyrim. Both games were in the trailer
Wow... the way this functions is actually surprising. I’m impressed for once. Gartz Nintendo.
To me, sadly, The Silmarillion when I read it at the time, was really boring. I don’t find Genesis boring but Leviticus? Shoot...
I tried reading that once I finished the LotR trilogy and couldn’t do it. It was like reading the book of Leviticus in the bible.
This is rich coming from a guy who we have proof is under the Clinton thumb
I like how you guys are completely bias in your “journalism” for one candidate. Crap happens on BOTH sides yet you seem to only care about Trumps. Huh. I wonder why...
Anything to help their Queen Hilary
Spending money on a yeti cup when these things are here is a completely idiotic move. They literally do the exact same thing.
Spending money on a yeti cup when these things are here is a completely idiotic move. They literally do the exact…
It’s not just the author. I was watching the “live” blog and they kept bashing the phone. Especially that Christina girl. Kept going, “iPhone already does that. Oh look another Siri clone!” The bias with these people is unreal.