

Since when was Bloodstained coming out on the 24th?

Looks like Ragnarok Online

I would just buy a new set of wiper blades for cheap and keep them in car specifically for this.

Hawaii is the same way. I’ve had shops tell me that my stock tail lights were not authorized and that they could order me to the correct ones for my car for $$$. Almost every place tells you that you need new tires. Worst part is that if you just know someone that can do it for you, you can pretty much get away with

I’ve actually had this conversation before with my insurance company. Apparently if you hit a pot hole it is considered an “accident” and you are “at fault” unless you can prove that the pot hole (the same one) has damaged your car more than once.

TL/DR of all the comments:

The 4WD locks up all of the tires, causing a buildup of snow in front of the tires, which stops it faster.

The 2WD vehicle’s back tires dont lock up and it keeps rolling thus not having a buildup.

I still haven’t seen anyone ask, is this extra content included in the season pass or is SE giving us current holders the middle finger and telling us to shell out another $20.

So much this, I took my young (6,8, and 13) nieces to EPCOT, a place at Disneyworld that has the best food in park (seriously the Moroccan place is fantastic), and they refused to eat anything other than pizza, burgers and chicken nuggets. They had SO MANY others options and they just wanted to eat at the American

Tim Rogers I definitely want more of these. 

You had me at the use of the Dominator (Psycho Pass gun).

Kino is a girl, maybe Cecilia didnt know that.

Your book was great Jason, when does the DLC come out?



At a glance you can usually tell really easily the difference with products from good smile. Real figures from them have a lot if intricate little details. Like the nail polish on a couple of my saber figures.

You can also get a $10 gift card for preordering certain games (ie Destiny 2). That essentially makes a new $60 game $38 before tax.

This was expected, he always does this when a new Dragon Quest game comes out lol.

I think Kojima is thankful for what Konami WAS, not what it has become.

Highly doubt it’s a bunch of script kiddies. It’s probably an overseas organization that has told Square that they will stop if they get paid X Million dollars. And Square just doesnt want to pay.