
So? I would punt that thing into a river.

Whoa, all "those years" and you can't spell the name of the application right!? "PhotoShopping".

No Zero Suit Samus? I'm disappointed.

As a fan of Scout Rifles, I am excited for this patch. Also, hopefully this is the end of the auto rifle meta in the Crucible.

Have you ever watched a video with Stephen in it? His voice and demeanor are unbearable and he really sucks at playing video games to boot.

I'll agree with this.

R.I.P Ice Climbers, they were killed by the 3DS ;-;

I know the officer who was driving the lead car. I haven't talked to him in a while, but I will say there is a reason the video was released without the audio.

Update: Thirty minutes at level 20 netted me one green engrem drop, and about five green pickups.

Don't lie.

Sakurai teased a demo for North America and other regions too

I'm on mobile, so excuse me for not watching the video. Was this "rapist" actually charged, and is an actual rapist? Or is this a thing like he said she said?

Yea, good thing no one asked me. Or else I would have told them that this is a lazy, dull idea for a thesis project.

There is no Zelda in real life.

yeah you did.

Who knows? The person designing it could be a closet Joe fan. He could be the only person in his company that knows what this was really designed after!

This is what playing soccer games without keeping score gets you.

Really the only game-changing thing in that entire video would have been grenades. And as someone who started out playing TFC, I'm glad they decided against them.

What?? It's not perfect!?!? .....Damn it, I only watch perfect things.