
Completely agree with everything he said. Apple’s walled garden needs to be taken down at all costs. 

99 percent of people saying PSX mean PS1.

Yes, this is frequently done as money laundering

Not the implication I meant to make. Many places have data caps, and you can’t keep downloading these 150+ GB games. You’ll want to keep these on your console, so more storage is needed. Having physical copies of my games, I can delete and reinstall my games all day, with maybe only patches needing to redownload.

But they aren’t for the same markets, and don’t need to be priced as such. The Xbox Series S is a lower power, budget system, not a discless Series X. Why do we have any reason to believe the PS5 discless is cheaper than the base model? Surely you’d need more storage considering it’s digital only? Could be the same

Wasn’t it funded through indiegogo?

Who even uses FB on desktop anyway?

I live in the suburbs too, but to be fair the stuff doesn’t retail for that much, I was talking about resale value. It’s the kind of things that teens and... Young adults with more dollars than sense buy.

Come on dude, the brick and the money gun are cool

One of the largest clothing/apparel brands, the kind of clothes that a t shirt of theirs gets resold for $500 or more

Never root for China, unless it’s for a recovery from a natural disaster.

It’s only 10 minutes long, so it’ll be barely anything

People who like fun, and Devolver

You know Roblox is like Minecraft, and all ages play it right? Kids aren’t playing Roblox nowadays.

Are you going to pay my bills? Fuck off

It’s an article... There’s no being late

Literally the top comment

4 is the best of the modern Persona games

Sure, I’ll show you scientific data about opinions

The majority opinion is that it looks futuristic and cool. Ugly is an outlier