
Nobody got scammed


Yes, he is. Have you even played it?

Did I ever ONCE say that Nintendo has NEVER had a bug on any game? Skyward Sword might as well have been one big bug, it was the worst in the series.

Of course ninja is a stand in for n***a/er. It's used in many kid's TV shows as well. A kid will say "My ninja"


Nope, circle lenses

It's always AMAZED me how flawless Nintendo's games are at times. I've never played a buggy Nintendo game.

That's not a good argument, for anything. You just look like a dumbass.

That's only relevant to the Xbox controllers.

People were talking about how scary this game was, but after this video I'm really not convinced

I kept one of them, and sold the other 3 on craigslist for the same price I paid for people who couldn't preorder them. I've had a Wii U since launch, and I bought an Xbox One on release.

I bought 4 of them, I don't understand how 2 of them makes you rich?

I'm sure a lot of people this gen actually bought more than one. I actually bought 4 of them, as I was one of the first people at my best buy and gamestop to preorder. I sold them on Craigslist for the same price for people that weren't lucky enough to secure a preorder.

The Samsung Note series was enough to keep me off of iPhones. You couldn't give me a free iPhone and expect me to use it.

People talk smack about Minecraft all of the time, and say things like only little children with special needs can enjoy it, but it's really a very broad game. It really opens your eyes to what people can do with gaming.

Yeah, you get better figures on the promotional straws at 7-11.

People always complain about getting Ikea furniture, because it's "Too hard to build". For one, why did you buy it if it was too hard to build? Secondly, they are SO easy to put together. I put them together as a young child, they're no harder than Lego.

How do they get onto the phone?

Tickets have ALWAYS sold out within an hour as far back as I can remember.