
In the scene where someone's handing over a lightsaber it looks like two women in the scene to me, just based on how their hands and wrists look. Also, in the scene where Rey is crying over a body it doesn't look like any of the main characters from what you can see.

My theory, based on nothing, is that Kylo Ren is a protege of Luke's who went bad. It seems more likely that Luke would have had the Vader mask than that some fanboy was able to get it from Endor. Maybe we'll see Luke take on Snoke, the Andy Serkis stop-motion character, in one of the future films.

The Addams Family was a smarter show, but The Munsters had a cooler theme song and a cool car.

You can tell they had fun trying stuff for this movie. My favorite scene is the one that they filmed backwards. And Latriiiiiiine. Tried to show it to some friends a few years ago and it didn't go over that well, though.

I thought the list was great but I also thought Margo Martindale should have been on there, especially for her season on Justified.

On top of everything else that's great in that movie, you get the helicopter scene at the end. The songs Scorcese uses work well and the way he cuts it together makes you feel like a paranoid cokehead.

I was too young to really get this show when it was on but I thought Bruce Willis was funny. I watched it again when there were reruns on cable but that was a long time ago. I'd really like to watch it again now.

Colbert's great when he's just allowed to riff or to sell a silly bit. When he has to do the normal late show type stuff he doesn't bring anything interesting. When he interviews someone like Elon Musk or Tim Cook he might get to fire off a funny line or two, but he can't sustain it and he hasn't made those interviews

I really liked Bernard Cornwell's King Arthur books, so I'm curious to see The Last Kingdom.

Trainspotting was the first movie I made a trip out to the art theater for, and it was well worth the drive. It wasn't until the last time that I rewatched it that I realized that Kevin McKidd is Tommy.

While I like Manhunter better, something about that opening scene in Red Dragon where Lecter stabs Will Graham is terrifying.

It's good to just randomly point to someone with a drink in their hand and start shouting, "Intervention! Intervention!"

I'm partial to, "He gon' cry in the car," from Friday. Also the occasional, "Doctor say I need a backeotomy."

I don't see any mention of a moth room. Or a hot chicks room, for that matter.

Another great Dewey Cox moment is when he calls home to Kristen Wiig from a motel room on the road. A guy stands with his junk a few inches from his face while he's assuring his wife how tame it is out on the road. And Wiig signs off by casually reminding him, "You're not going to amount to anything!"

This article came out over a year ago but I have to comment because I've had a new appreciation of this song ever since. Also, it tends to play on whatever streaming service I'm listening to lately.

This is the album I most want to turn other people on to. The stretch from St. Andrew's Fall to New Life to Mouthful of Cavities is amazing.

Me and some friends once had a theory that all the classic rock station needed was one stack of greatest hits albums.

Whip Smart is great, Hudsucker Proxy is not better than Miller's Crossing, and you have to like Out of Time for "Country Feedback" and "Near Wild Heaven" and ignore the overplayed radio songs.
Everyone says Beyond Thunderdome is the low point of the Mad Max movies, but it played endlessly on cable one summer vacation

Can we get an episode of Hannibal where Fassbender guest stars as Hannibal's equally fucked up brother?