
The plot and protagonist didn’t do anything for me, personally. Even the twist wasn’t really that surprising. It’s not terrible or anything, but creatively it doesn’t really hold up to the other zombie franchise exclusive to Playstation (which ironically, these guys wanted to remake.)

The 360 era really personified the strategy. Just drop enough money until people like you. Didn’t really work out with all those Japanese exclusives, most of which ended up on Playstation 3 eventually anyway.

I know it has its fans, but man, I feel like they vastly overrate just how good the game was.

My argument is you can’t will them out of existence by being ignorant of them. It’s OK to talk about these sorts of people and the kind of effect they have without acting like not knowing them is the only way to do anything about it.

These kinds of e-celebrities tend to be big with tweens and other fairly young people. You reading about them on Kotaku isn’t going to do anything meaningful to their numbers.

You’re not the target audience. You’re not speaking to the target audience. It’s not some amazing revelation that a view-based social media celebrity wouldn’t matter if no one watched them. But none of us here really fit into the demographics fueling these kinds of celebrities, and I doubt any of us have any serious

Ignoring them won’t make them go away. I get the idea of not giving them attention, but this notion of out of sight, out of mind doesn’t mean these kinds of channels/people aren’t a problem even if you’ve never heard of them.

They’re both using custom SoCs integrating a 7nm Zen 2 CPU with a RDNA 2 GPU and running on a combined memory pool of 16GB of GDDR6 RAM. They’re both running different solutions for their storage, but they’re both designed around that performance being both standard and mandatory to play current gen games.

It’s still weird that they didn’t realize what blowing up all the relays would presumably mean for the galaxy, particularly one decimated by Reapers beforehand (but also because the destruction of one is so massive it takes out an entire solar system in one of the second game’s DLCs, which I guess they forgot?)

I suspect you’re in the minority there, but it’s interesting how little it matters whether he does live or die in two as far as the major outcome of his mission is affected in Mass Effect 3. All of your options are still open with his replacement, and you’re not forced to pick a lesser choice the way a lot of the

The XBox Series X and PS5 likely have more in common with each other than the average gaming PC.

It’ll probably be the sort of thing that one solid viewing is all you need. But it’s the sort of story where you can tell yourself, “I don’t want to feel like that right now,” right? Because it definitely will make you feel a certain way.

I feel like you’re not really encapsulating the problem people had with Adam. It was a Metroid game where you weren’t exploring and collecting powerups along the way, instead starting the game (at least narratively) as if you already had them, but you could only use them when your commanding officer allowed you to use

There’s always just one more thing. It’s not for the villain of the week to know the hour of their reckoning, but just one more thing is inevitable all the same.

For a small print run of a limited edition physical copy? Sure.

It’s not really meant to be a whodunnit sorta detective show. The appeal is seeing how Columbo puts it all together. The whodunnit has its own appeal, of course, but ultimately it’s about execution more than anything. It’s quite easy to do either variety poorly.

I don’t know where you got the idea anyone was demanding they look “progressive.” They chose the setting, it’s controversial by default. You can’t just say, “I’m not being political” when you interviewed actual Cuban guerillas for your game.

They want to argue they’re not saying anything political, but it’s their choice to pick the setting, to deal with the topics they are, and then to do it in a way that scrubs it of any real sincerity so it doesn’t prove “controversial.” It’s a political statement, but it’s also a corporate friendly cowardly one.

The sanitization IS the statement. They want the trappings the settings invoke but want to do it in an inoffensive way that doesn’t seriously deal with the subject matter.

I get that it leads to a lot of high school/college papers where you just dump whatever you feel like it means into an essay.