
Guess you haven’t seen the reviews yet it mostly has positive reviews based around its game play. 

Not buying this game won’t change that, its not even a start she has more money than she can ever spend. Sorry, I love the Wizarding world but I also despise Rowling best I can do is to shame her, but it won’t stop me from enjoying something I love, people really need to start treating Authors independently from their

Look, J.K. Rowling sucks, but going into every Harry Potter bubble and reminding people is trolling. Should we go to Universal Studios and tell the kids there that the creator of this world is a shitty person and they should stop having fun and leave immediately?

Nope, really couldn’t be more wrong. Tell me where the Nazi stereotypes are. 100s of people worked on this game.

Nah, if you didn’t enjoy it when you were young, you’ll never get it. Just move on! You don’t have to like the books, movies, game, or anything.

Smart friend! Enjoy the game. 

Not really a fan of Rowlings but I’ve always appreciated the art and separate art from the artist. Life is busy, grinding, hard, and I enjoy games for some fantasy and escapism. If I’m honest. Because how busy I am, I can’t say I know the full extent of Rowlings views which is maybe a shame on my part.

Ok.. so I was one of those “IF YOU BUY IT” people but my Trans friend told me that buying and playing this game should not make people feel bad especially if they love the universe and it brings them happiness. She explained in great detail that this isnt the hill in the Trans rights fight to be dying on. She bought

And if those royalties decrease, she isn’t suddenly going to reassess. She’ll say she is being “cancelled by the woke mob”.

Honestly even as a gay man I don’t give a monkey’s behind. I’m one of the many OG Harry Potter fans around since the first novel came out. The lgbt community is all topsy turvy as of late; even my husband thinks so. It’s almost as if anything you say or do you are automatically BAM! TRANSPHOBIC. It’s always been the

A lot of subreddits have specific rules to keep discussions within that subreddit on topic. It’s necessary because without it, people would come and derail every thread. So don’t see a big deal here.

One could make the argument that Harry Potter no longer belongs to Rowling - it belongs to the world, to do with it as they see fit. And if the lessons the stories tell are of standing against bigotry, especially within an oppressed minority, then that’s the take away. now what some rich lady thinks about a subset of

It’s been a week, time to beat this horse again.

Considering libel law in the UK is basically just to protect the royalty, nobility, and rich from criticism (and seriously punish the critic(s)), it is, unfortunately, working as intended.

I have to agree that on a general gaming sub, you gotta keep the discussion to gameplay. This is a common etiquette  rule not just tied to this particular case.

Totally fine with this. Don't need to see the work of an entire team of dedicated people shit on because the one up in the castle with next to nothing to do with anything has some shitty opinions. I'll play this game just as happily as I'll eat chick fil a. Because I know that more than anything I'm supporting a ton

The only thing that matters here is there is a game, it's well regarded by critics from a game play perspective, and that's about it. The amount of hate I've seen towards people who want to play the game, or towards people who have been streaming it.. it puts those people in the same camp Rowling is. The "piece of

Not the only black character at all, also the British aren’t as hysterically hung up on American Slavery as the US is.

Well Shacklebolt is not the only black character in the books so try again

As a mod in some other forums, this is practical. It’s not to say that the mods don’t clearly support trans rights and have a position on the issue (they do!), but as a practical nature of online discourse and the free nature of modwork and all opening this can of worms is a wonderful way to attract the worst kinds of