
It’s easy, just add an apostrophe and it’s no longer branding, it’s a declarative statement:  “SHE’LL RIDE”

I agree and this is my biggest hope for the whole “lab-produced” meat future - replace factory-farmed garbage with lab-produced meat and still have top quality live meat available for special occasions and splurges. 

I’m a long-term and deeply embedded apple user and if you’re looking for it to pop up like a mass storage device and dump files wherever you want, you’re not going to be happy. Apple finally did implement a file browser that allows you to access user folders on the device and I personally have no trouble putting

So you’re saying if I want a ripe avocado, all I need is an avocado that’s already ripe?  You should be careful, people have been killed for secrets like this.

Should be no problem, we’re already running out of electricity here and nobody can or will build new powerplants.


Would you like to know more?

Pinstriping?  This is a lower back tattoo.  It’s the first Porsche with a tramp stamp.

Just leave them empty and watch those property values go up!  Haven’t you heard, there’s an inventory shortage!

So this WILL all end up in Mead?  Will it make any significant difference in lake level or is the basin not large enough by comparison to the lake?

Oh my god I just realized that’s Jane Krakowski!

I wonder if they think we’re baby ships and that our giant metal parents will protect us.

You just know someone in the police field is developing a gun that looks like a wallet... that will make it SO much easier for them to shoot a suspect when they reach for their ID after being ordered to produce their ID.

If any comment perfectly suited a guy named “angry Bob” from either Virginia or in residence at the V.A., this is it. So much confidence in unfounded and inaccurate information.  Have you considered running for office?

With one qualification... if part of it seems to be breaking and you can save the whole project without breaking it, it’s almost always best to stop what you’re doing and figure out why it’s breaking.

Yeah it’s a cool project but he really made a MUCH larger PS5 in 2 pieces with hoses connecting them.

“Fool of a Took” is clearly Liam Neeson, in a still from his much-beloved “Tooken” movie series.

That’s the Lord’s work, friend...

My fruit trees are pretty deep rooted so they’re fine with once per week. Berries won’t be nearly as happy.

Most bushes and trees that SHOULD be used for landscaping in southern CA should also be OK with once per week watering.  You can hand-water on that one day, or you can use automated watering, or both... just can’t do it more than once per week.  My irrigation only runs every 7-10 days so I’m not overly concerned about