
I forget that resin printers all seem to speak their own language, is there nothing like Octoprint for them? I think with FDM printing you could survive with an ipad alone.

The whole “racing” inspired design makes no sense at all, as evidenced by the fact that they all come with pillows strapped to them since the design is inherently wrong for sitting upright at a desk.

The whole “racing” inspired design makes no sense at all, as evidenced by the fact that they all come with pillows

I’m worried that if he stays there will be trouble.

The rental agency I worked with listed it as a 7-passenger SUV... it naturally only had seats for 5, and packed a 1-Liter engine. I think you could pull a pop-up camper behind it if you didn’t try to take it up hills.

I rented a Duster in Turkey and I can confirm that even a steep cobblestone street is right about at the limits of its off-road capability.  

Most of what we can readily buy are KN95 or KF94 or some other non-US variant so we get stuck with a lot of ear loops out there.  I’d still rather people be wearing those than falling back to cloth since it’s difficult to get real N95 masks.

I’m not sure I’d give a cloth mask credit for 20 minutes of protection when no mask gives you 15 minutes of “protection” by that logic.

The dynamometer test makes ZERO sense, unless the dyno is imposing a simulated road load, which would substitute for wind resistance. Once it’s up to speed otherwise it’s just a big flywheel, so the car’s doing no work except overcoming drivetrain losses. And that ONLY extended its “range” by about 10% compared to a

Just 90 teslas driven by 90 people in an infinite circle

Pardon me friend, but are you talking about some kind of... monorail?

When I was working from home last year it was a great way to pass the time on long conference calls though.

My biggest problem with Snowrunner is that when I start playing it, the hours disappear WAY too fast.

In a video game they’re boring because sound is the only extra sensation you get to experience.  Spend some time on a track in a real Taycan, I assure you it’s not boring, it’s just different.

Ah, got it, didn’t check who you were responding to on that.

If the fastener has little to no clamping force, though, isn’t it at least MORE likely to start to spin off on its own with vibration and heat/load cycling? In which case the indicators would still catch your attention.  I’d almost wonder if the little arrows would provide a little big of centrifuge effect to pull the

I’m still waiting for a triangular screen.

I’m in coastal southern california so it’s almost never really “too cold” for anything by anyone else’s standards, but we’re still a bunch of babies about it.

Seriously! I’ve got one of their Nebula Mars projectors and 720p is just FINE for outdoor movie nights, but in the summertime when it’s warm enough to enjoy, I also have to wait til almost 9pm for it to be dark enough, and then I’m quickly stretching into “too late to blast movie audio in the back yard” to maintain

I think the “aggressive promotional campaign” they mention here was entirely on Gizmodo as that’s the only place I’ve ever seen any mention of their products.  My grandma isn’t a regular reader here.

Outer space is, in a word, big. Our known universe stretches so far in every direction that we can only estimate how big it might be, and likely never know for sure.