
My experiences with Catholicism are a large part as to why I’m Quaker now. We believe all are equal in front of God: no leaders, no hierarchy, no exceptions. (Well also, the activism, the global viewpoint of the world as community, and the pro-LGBT message.)

Women don’t owe you shit.

No. No it isn’t. Sorry folks.

Is it Dunkleman time again!?!?

Can I both believe her and at the same time never in a million years think Ryan Seacrest would want his penis near a woman?

this will go down smoothly with my lady doritos.

As someone whose husband loves his mom more than her, it’s not that cute.

Watched this with girlfriends parents and her brother and his wife. All of them NRA, trumptards, except my GF. They kept yelling trumpublican and nra talking points every time a kid would speak. Was brutal. All were in agrreement....”If I had a gun I would’ve shot him in a second.” “Need more guns in school!”

The fact that we’re applauding teenagers for asking hard questions goes to show that the adult journalists have not been asking hard questions for years.

So the sword upon which the Republican Party is falling is the FISA court’s surveillance of (possible Russian agent; possible double agent; probable moron) Carter Page - who’d already been under FISA surveillance since 2013 (long before any of their cited complaints; the dossier). This memo betrays the GOP’s

Because half their slimy asses are complicit in it.

If this is the best they could do, they’re tooootally fucked.

Oh man, after finally reading it it’s even dumber than we’d imagined. What a wet fart Nunes has produced here.

“And it really wasn’t in my case, I would say, ‘til well into my 30s, that I was really able to do heavy lifting on this stuff.”

Could it be that Arizona is getting tired of being a national laughing stock?

I watched the clip and it quite honestly brought tears to my eyes. His horror and rage and frustration was so damn raw. I just can’t even imagine how he feels.

Nah. She’s too late. The ship has sailed. Bye girl.

Lately, I’ve felt really tired and, kind of, out of touch? Like, I have difficulty caring about or enjoying anything and I worry constantly. Lady Bird (my puppy) is growing tremendously, but I worry a lot that I’m not giving her the attention she needs. My husband and I have been fighting a lot. I’m taking a TON of

I’m trying to finish a personal statement for a fellowship app that is due tomorrow. I just hate writing these I feel like I have nothing interesting or important to say just ugh

I put one of my dogs down today. He was about 13 years old and had congestive heart failure. He’s been with me through some of the shittiest times of my life, and no matter how bad things were he always managed to cheer me up. Then to make matters worse, my ex sent me a message on Facebook saying he was sorry about my