
Last month I went into a predelivery appointment and the dr couldn’t find a heartbeat.

I legit stopped inviting a friend to my place because he insists on bringing this kale salad he makes to my place every time and I feel like I have to eat it to be polite.

I’m just going to say - I don’t care what’s motivating John McCain.

I’m glad McCain has some kind of morals and is sticking up for the idea of doing things the right/normal way, but his statement mentions how ACA was “rammed through” and I out loud said “shut the fuck up” at work.

I wish a bear would eat Betsy DeVos.

But, c’mon, who doesn’t think Fergie would charge for those interviews if she thought she could get away with it? Even Andrew thinks she would.

I get this overwhelming need for lemon and cocktail sauce.

Another option would be to spring for a babysitter and tickets to Bounce Land or Chuck E Cheese for all the kids, and guilt her into accepting the gift. She’ll know it’ll make her look like a total asshole if she still brings her kids to the wedding (thereby refusing a nice gesture), and it will make the letter writer

I’m sure those photos were meant to be sexy but I can’t stop laughing at them.

Yes the guy who is leading the charge for medicare for all should definitely take a step back

By these standards I have a luxurious pizza festival in my apartment several times per week.

I like this. I support Medicaid for all (or a robust single-payer program of some form), I especially like seeing some Dems stick to a ‘controversial’ stance. Bipartisanship is what we need to aim for. It is the single strongest tool for balancing minority (not exclusively POC, just ideas of POVs that will not reach a

I support this 100%. Stand up for what you believe in. Stop with these halfway measures.

Paul Ryan doesn’t want to fix Oabamacare, he wants to burn it to the ground. There is no way to negotiate with a person who holds that stance. he’s basically a political terrorist.

Over the past six years my wife and I have used over half a million dollars of insurance company money. Without insurance the amount charged to us would have been several million. Even with really good insurance we have hit our out of pocket maximums all but one year to the tune of about $7000 together each year.

I wasn’t assigning blame. I’d be here all day if I were. It’s not like things suddenly became shitty after the 2008 financial crisis. The Reagan years mark the most obvious turning point, but a lot of politicians from both sides of the aisle have helped along the snowballing of income inequality through action and

Absolutely! All the more reason for this narcissist to remove herself permanently from the spotlight. The Democratic bench is thin, and that’s because from 2008-2016, Hillary Clin-Ton took up all the light and oxygen that should rightfully have gone to nurturing a new generation of Senators, Rep.s, governors, state

Majority of Americans, let alone Democrats: “We need a minimum wage that’s a living wage! $15/hour!”

I can see how hard it might be to get that worked up over an economy that’s working out just fine for you.

I don’t buy it. When the campaign was being inflicted on us, I couldn’t understand why Hillary was wasting her time telling us that Donald Trump was an awful human being and completely unprepared and unfit to be President. It was a waste of everyone’s time, reasonable people knew this, understood this, and those