
Johnny Iuzzini is the other judge. The two of them together were pretty good, I thought.

I’m a Democrat in Arizona. For once I’m proud of the Republican senators from this state. I know a lot of other Dems here that feel the same way. If we have to be represented by Republicans (and we do, because duh it’s AZ) then at least we have these two. Calling Arizona a purple state is stretching it IMO. I

Our current strategy is not working. And abortion rights are being attacked at state and federal levels like crazy. Dems won’t make any progress if we can’t win the majority.

Democrat in a red state here - this is smart for the Dems to do. Being pro-choice is an automatic disqualification for some voters. True story: a Mexican-American work colleague of mine told me he only votes Republican, and I expressed my shock that he wasn’t a Dem. He said it’s because he’s Catholic and can’t

Did they just ruin Hawaii???

If I ever get married again, I gonna tell everyone that it’s a theme wedding just to see the horror on their faces. After that, they’ll be okay with whatever wedding we want.

I served on a jury that ended in mistrial once. It’s true that the lawyers would deliberately pick people they thought could be manipulated. I would say about half the jury was incredibly stupid and the other half apathetic and just wanted to hurry it up and get back to normal life.

the fact that it’s being aired on Father’s Day is just icing on the cake - Sandy Hook parents deserve better.

rubbing alchohol takes most of the itch away. just dab with a cotton ball.

50 Shades of Grey

Anna has forbidden selfies in the party itself.

Was in the car once as a kid when my dad got pulled over and ticked for turning in a designated lane w/o his turn signal on. I mean, full concrete median kind of turn lane. Where you literally can’t do anything but turn. My dad tried to argue the point that duh, he’s turning, but the cop didn’t care.

We are all blind when in love aren’t we?

I’ve driven through dust devils stronger than that first “tornado”. But the second video holy shit!

How to make friends as a grownup: join a meetup.

I was a college freshman into the grunge/alternative scene when he died. I remember listening to Kurt Loder on KROQ begging, BEGGING teenagers not to commit suicide like he did. They were afraid some would be so upset that they would. It’s a very vivid memory.

Vanilla doesn’t go bad either.

Jared Kushner is the silver lining in this whole situation.

It’s the DNC’s direct fault that we have President Trump. Clinton should have mopped the floor with him as her opponent. But she didn’t because she was a weak candidate. If the DNC had put ANYBODY up other than her, we would’ve elected a Democrat president. Seriously, (whether you agree or not with the

Why does no one wear pantyhose anymore?