The logo breaking style tradition was concerning but that trailer freaking worked and hyped this way higher than expected.
The logo breaking style tradition was concerning but that trailer freaking worked and hyped this way higher than expected.
In Yoshi-P we trust
I just don’t like the size and how it’s made. We know by now the PS5 is reliable but it’s build quality leaves much to be desired. Whether it be a PS5 pro or mini, I’m in no rush. Xbox is built much more dense and higher quiality. Contrast how cheaply built the original 360 and One was
Honestly I think the car buying advice holds true. I’m in my late 30's and I realize how much of a mistake it was to get my car under my mother’s name. I don’t have history. So now that I am looking around for a new ride, its biting me hard. Pay is good, credit score is excellent, yet the history is still putting me…
At this point, devs just throw whatever at the wall now.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was these world first streamers using them on cam. Even if they were minor, they still gave an edge even if they were paper thin. The FFXIV devs didn’t think there were a problem until this Ultimate put a spotlight on it. That changed their perspective and had to nip it in the…
Thats cause they’re the only company ordering an old chip. nVidia doesn’t make it for anybody else so only delay they have is shipping.
Bees could be bad if the Queen is aggressive. I’ve seen some bee keeper videos and they were forced to cull the hive and replace the aggressive Queen. Yellow Jacket Wasps are decepticons.
The real reason why the Stinger is that good is cause of Albert Biermann, formerly of BMW M for 30 years. Something about German laws forced Albert to leave BMW and Hyundai snatched him up.
I admit I haven’t seen either yet but the clips I’ve seen and the end credits of Sonic 2 I can tell they did their research if not done by people who actually care. Thank goodness the public trashed on them for making that god awful “teeth sonic”. Now they’re swiming in green for giving a video game movie some goddamn…
Releasing 2047
I saw that Will Smith account trending and laughed my ass off all night knowing he wasn’t what they think who it was.
Even if they cannibalize other planes, they’re not new parts meaning they’ll be good for an extra flight or three. If Russia does make their own parts, the moment they’re installed that plane becomes worthless. Nobody will touch a plane with sketchy maintenance history and parts from a corrupt government
Ha, die mad
The Snake island 13 was considered dead after saying “Russian ship go F- yourself”. Turns out they’re alive. Do you stop celebrating them? Or the Georgian ship? Even if one UA pilot shot down 1 Russian plane, That person is the Ghost of Kyiv. If its another pilot, he too is th Ghost of Kyiv. It doesn’t need to be 1…
The Ghost of Kyiv title was being used on the 24th, a day before that video went up. In that video it was just a fighter flying overhead and the rumors of his kills was already going around. It doesn’t matter if that video is real or not. What does matter is the morale boost it gives the Ukrainian soldiers and need to…
The only “challenge” my gen did was spork battle.
Its a about fucking time