Ø Fucks

god, this is so true

There is always a way if we don’t give up. We’ll need an amendment to the constitution? So fucking write an amendment.

Right on

Remember when it was a common principal that if a woman was ‘hysterical’ a man should slap her in face to ‘calm her down’? UGHHHHHH


This is truly inspirational. Almost makes me wish I could piss standing up.

Maybe Dems tried to send them a moral compass, but it disentegrated at the door.

I’m invested in Hillary’s fate. If collusion is proven, and it’s looking increasingly likely, I want a new fucking election. No way in hell they get to just keep their ill-gotten gains.

That hammer shit that GOP always trots out is the CORRECT PROTOCOL when you get a new Government phone.

What sucks is that I’m sure Trump saw the shootings as a POSITIVE and sure enough the GOP exploited it to play the grieving martyred party besieged by crazy liberals.

“...they should just strap a baked potato to a chair and have it randomly yell these talking points”

This is just bizarre. Trump literally ADMITTED to obstruction when he told the Russians he fired Comey to relieve the pressure of the Russian investigation. They can’t deny this...and yet, they are = GOP 101

oh but healthcare is only provided to ‘people who contribute to society’ didn’t you know? haha jesus.

THIS. I hate to say it, but I’ve said it time and again, until Republicans’ kids are the ones slaughtered, nothing will change. As long as it’s not them or their kids, they don’t seem to mind.

Exactly. Here, let me preface my “answer” with bullshit to fill time, otherwise you’ll accuse me of lying!

This is exactly what Kamala Harris got ‘scolded’ about by crusty GOP men in that embarrassing display, silencing her; trying to get a letter out of Rosenstein that Muller would be immune to firing. He refused to agree to it. SNAKES all.

Cuz you know if he drops dead, even on camera, they will find a way to blame the evil genius that is Hillary (and her e-mails).

agreed, and btw, this child got SLAMMED while doing her job as an Olympic athlete b/c she wasn’t making a pleasing enough face ffs. I think Baron will be fine if you point out he looks taller or unhappy in a photo. It’s not a criticism, it’s a fact. If this is a problem, his image should be blurred out by the

This is amazing, thank you! Boozed up 70s comedy at its best.

Haha, hearing LBJ refer, in his own voice to his own “bunghole” is a joyful experience.