Ø Fucks

Yep, and god, the optics on this shit, he is actively trying to look like a cartoon villain?

“polly pocket hands” literally hurt when I laughed reading that, thanks for the hernia, Velops

it’s actually worse than that, Putin called Trump and asked him to invite those two into the Oval Office and he fucking DID it, but forced our own media out. Putin wanted to rub our noses in it in front of the whole world and he succeeded.

He always projects, it’s like he holds a mirror up then gets interviewed about his “enemies”

The annoying/stupid jewelry commercials??

I wonder if we could trick Trump into going on a solo heroic journey to Mars to “negotiate” a deal with the Martians?

Because Trump is heroically trying to make friends with Russia by “negotiating a deal” to save the world from terrorists and the big meany Democrats just don’t get that!!!!!

yes on the money laundering, he’s been doing that since the 80s, no on the spy stuff (although Flynn and Page def were)

Exactly, Trump cares about Ivanka solely as an extension of his tiny penis, so yeah, maybe if she got locked up, he’d flip out and be honest for once.

Maybe Donny’s trying to sell plastic to the AY-RABS so he told her to go braless?

I don’t think that’s wrong, I think he held Merkel’s hand (but refused to shake it) b/c it was condescending as hell and would make her look weaker. Sexism 101

it looks like he’s slipping her the cyanide capsules they agreed she’d take if she accidentally uttered her opinion to someone.

YES. All these bullshit dog whistle GOP/Bernie slurs like “she has baggage” or “she’s not likable” would be thrown at ANY AND EVERY woman who ever runs for President.

They are ALL gross, but yeah, if I was forced, it’d be Tiffany by a mile!

Now playing

haha, love that voldy hug - I posted this elsewhere but can’t resist, even his own daughter dodges him

Now playing

He’s taking instruction from Tiffany, this is not new, haha

haha, you could get her a little Kellyanne bobble head that she can smack when she gets frustrated/terrified of this “administration”

this is scary, but probably true, even in a Charlottesville, VA, god help us

haha, gross, but very true!

Yes, exactly. We need to take them ALL down and it’ll take time, hopefully just before mid-terms. Hopefully he’ll go down for money laundering and collusion, and take all his disgusting people with him to prison if we keep digging and don’t go after him till we’re done investigating.