Ø Fucks

A while back there was a similar photo of Trump standing in front of his giant prop-penis airplane with a rainbow behind it, and all these Trump cultists were gushing about how it was a sign from JESUS that Trump was a man of God and we should worship at his feet.

I agree. Terrorism is defined as politically motivated.

Haha, yes, and then sneer at people who have “outdated” phones.

She’s trying to find her husband’s micro penis?

We’ve been trained, like good little consumers, to not complain about having to spend hundreds of dollars on items that are now necessary to get by and then be forced to replace them often. (Yes, to a fuck load of people, spending this kind of money on several family members every five years is very difficult.)

“...the people against you are trying to prevent treason”

Now playing

Well, here’s one reason why: Carter Page was lured into being as asset for Russian Spies. This segment is hilarious/disturbing. Russian spies are talking about how stupid he is and what they can offer in trade to him for being their rat.

She looks like if someone yanked some sheer pantyhose over a hairless cat, then put a wig on it.

The pictures I have of my family coming through customs around this time are so haunting. They look dazed and suspicious, like they can’t quite believe they made it here and in their child minds, they’re wondering what else is in store.

Haha, this is excellent. Art changes with juxtaposition and that’s fair, imo, so this artist needs to STFU.

It’s South Koreans I’m worried about.

Oh God that picture of her sweet face, smiling like that... thank you for this.

Holy Jesus, Spicer is right out of The Shining on the creepy af scale

It’s ok, Putin’s got it covered

I think ‘go to the well’ means to dip/push past what you can reasonably sustain, even with rests between intervals.

Sorry for the delay, I wanted her to actually read your response & she BEAMED & said please tell her THANK YOU!

“Donald Trump will not be attending because he has a country to ru(i)n.”

I think you might have just answered your own question.

YES. If Trump is proven to be compromised by Russia, then Gorsuch is also tainted. There is no way in hell we can allow this man to keep this lifetime appointment and potentially act as Putin’s plant on the SCOTUS.

Thanks for this comment. Suicide isn’t always ‘a selfish act.’