Ø Fucks

haha, this is perfect

yep. His father Fred died of Alzheimer’s. There’s a clear genetic component. WHY don’t more people see he has dementia?

haha, he’s such a damn knob, run Diana, run!

Thanks so much for this comment, tho it’s fucking depressing. My niece is 12, loves gaming and has been interested in coding for a couple of years, but is interested in tons of other stuff too. Honestly, knowing what you know now, would you encourage her to go into coding/gaming? No one wants to send a kid into a

Oh damn. Andrea’s ass about to get Tiffany Trumped.

Trey Gowdy reminds me of Meep from American Horror Story. I’d way rather hang out with Meep.

True. Also, if Trump has a heart attack, they WILL find a way to blame Hillary for it.

Agreed. This fucker blatantly violated the Hatch Act to sabotage Clinton and hand the Presidency to this pos, but we’re supposed to trust his integrity on this? Yeah no.

Is he a ‘Never Nude’ like this guy?

how do you sell another person’s credit card on e-bay? (asking for a friend)

Haha, this. Nothin’ says ‘I’m a feminist’ like throwing over a woman who’s fought for us her whole fucking life for a white, male career politician who assumes I live in a ghetto, calls Planned Parenthood ‘the Establishment’ and believes women’s issues are ‘a distraction.’ Bernie also said he has ‘no interest in

Agreed. Oprah’s great, but anyone who puts Dr. Oz or Dr. Phil on her show to spout worthless shit is maybe someone who shouldn’t run the country.




This. People need to ask WHY this is a sexual fantasy. Yay, ‘choose-your-own-choice bullshit’ whatever. We’ve been groomed into it by a society that has, forever, sought to keep us down.

“These men are nearing the parody stage. However I’ve long since reached and surpassed the “I want them all to fucking die” stage.”

Yep, and guess which one is bein’ constantly dragged?

“I skimmed one of the episodes and they were letting Alana pour bacon grease all over her mom’s neck pillow to “help her through everything” since she can’t eat for a while”

I get a Jennifer Aniston vibe for some reason.