
I mean, if we’re basing this on the comics? Then the X-Men need about three movies of Jean being the Phoenix, slowly realizing and harnessing her greater powers, culminating with an epic space opera where she and the X-Men save the galaxy from the mad alien emperor.

Then you make a movie about how bad guys have a

Yeah it’s was over a year of story(maybe two).

The comic ending also sort of requires Jean to murder 7 billion people.  That might be the similarity they are thinking of.  

Everyone is describing the big fight after Jean Grey dies and rises again as Phoenix, but that’s not how Dark Phoenix ends. Honestly, Dark Phoenix needs to have a lot more build up to be effective. This movie is gonna be a bummer.

The comic ending would be a gladiator fight with space aliens on the moon. So whatever they filmed before it wasn’t “like the comics” if it looked like Captain Marvel.

That and the original ending was in the comic.

If blasting enemies with CGI energy beams is the parallel, then you’ve copied 90% of superhero movies.

Take my star...take it deep.

I’m afraid he’ll be too busy playing the Dungeon Master in my live action remake of the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. 

“I guess white people using tanner is just out of the question then.”

Blackface has been universally considered bad across most of the west for decades now, if not over a century. You just don’t fucking do it, period, and if you’ve got a problem with it, then you’re part of the problem.

Not to mention blackface in minstrelsy might be an American phenomena, but blackface as negative caricature existed in Europe WAYYYY before minstrel circuses were even thought of.

This shit is getting old.

Not to mention the fact she’s fucking Lithuanian.  Internet culture really just imposes American mores on the world.  It’s like online imperialism.

I honestly think she was doing this in good faith. I would love for blackface to be a thing people do because they want to look like Famous Black Person. But rascism is still very real and blackface is still very tied to racism. Let’s everyone learn the lesson here and move along.

So then just wear the fucking outfit. You don’t need to paint your face black to “pay tribute” to a character—people will get who you’re cosplaying as.

Context “is” important because there’s a reason why White people shouldn’t put on black face, just like there’s a reason why white people shouldnt’ say the n-word.

There is a history with white people painting themselves to look like black people. And it’s all negative. That YOU chose to ignore it doesn’t mean it never happened. And even so, if people of color are asking you “Hey don’t do this”, then maybe just maybe take the hint?

Blackface. Blackface is not allowed.

Um no, there have historically been Black people in Europe who migrated North 

You hit the nail on the head.