This is all precisely what I was going to say. I tried to add anything but you covered it all. Bravo.
This is all precisely what I was going to say. I tried to add anything but you covered it all. Bravo.
Screw IPA’s.
Scandalous! Do, do, tell the juicy gossip!
When I was a kid, that used to be called the Polish Hanky.... though I suppose if you came from a Polish family, it was probably the Italian Hanky.... I don’t know what it’s called today, now that Polish & Italian jokes are both out of fashion.
The fundamental difference is that we segregate our sports by sex to allow equal competition. Just like we segregate boxing and wrestling by weight. Anyone is allow to move up to a higher class freely, but you can’t choose to compete at a lower one unless you can meet the standard.
There’s no height distinction in sports, so tossing out Phelps and Bolt doesn’t really work.
Yes I am aware... I had several rounds of IVF and had to give blood every two days for my hormone levels to be scrutinized; which is why I know that you can’t dismiss the powerful effects that hormones (and not just testosterone) have on the body.
Here is my question: is a female athlete allowed to supplement her testosterone levels to match her hyperandrogenic rivals? Because if the answer is ‘no’ then they are stating that testosterone DOES have an effect on performance. You can’t have it both ways.
Absolutely. Not all porn is equal. Porn that is consensual and safe for the participants (which is the vast majority) is completely fine. The key is to do your homework and educate them.
What was done to her was beyond unforgivable. But it wasn’t the porn’s fault; it was solely the fault of the evil waste of life who abducted her. Blaming porn is like blaming video games for Columbine.
I feel like a person whose introduction to porn was their rapist abductor kind of doesn't have the most level starting point for a conversation about the subject. But maybe that's just me.
Is anyone else having problems with amazon playing games with their pricing.I was surfing the lightning deals and found a power brick for my laptop at a good price,it was not going to go live for 3 hours so I wanted to click watch this deal,I was prompted to log in and did so only the item was replaced by one at…
Is anyone else having problems with amazon playing games with their pricing.I was surfing the lightning deals and…
Oh ya, that gem. I love it when he explains how these days, thanks to feminists, all you have to do is merely suggest a man looked at you wrong, and he is thrown into prison on false rape charges. Apparently, it’s gotten really out of hand!
I relish in the idea that he may only be able to talk politics on The Slot now that Gawker’s going kaput. I lose the energy to talk to him on those articles because I get an army of assholes rape apologizing with him at me. He’s strange to me - I literally agree with almost everything he says, and then you get a…
If it were their literal problem, I.e., they could get pregnant, there would be male birth control that tasted like beer and supersize abortions on every drive-through menu.
BobbySerious, Gawker’s resident rape apologist/rapist*, once explained at length that he didn’t care how many peer-reviewed studies showed that women do drastically more housework than men — he knows for a fact that he and his friends do AT LEAST half the housework in their homes, and that’s WAY better evidence than…
I think men trying to deal with it may be the problem. :/
Didn’t SCOTUS just declare the admitting privilege restriction unconstitutional as part of their ruling against Texas’s HB2? So no one needs to fight that, right? The judgment applies nationwide, right?
I would like to redefine pregnancy as a man’s problem. There. Now deal with it.
Does Rick Scott swim through the waters of Florida to get around? He looks aquatic as if he is a sea creature who sleeps tucked into a clam shell every night. And his behavior is fishy if you ask me.