
I don’t understand how this was able to happen. I used to be in fabrication. I would personally do hardness tests on the material. We know that the supplier screws up, or tries to fuck you by passing along out of spec stock as good, and we also know our purchaser screws up, trying to save a buck usually, or buying the



I, for one, can’t wait for all of the Top Gun references in the comments.


Can we just stop and talk for a minute about that Geo-Metro-2-door-Trans-Sport-6-wheeled-van-thing in the background?

Now playing

Just don’t leave your kids in the car alone, hahaha.

Bullshit. Bring in more revenue. Obamacare extended the solvency of Medicare by over a decade. Tens of millions of people rely on Social Security as their only source of income. Cutting benefits puts them out on the streets to die.

It looks like it could have hit 270 if AJ had eased off the doughnuts a little.

I was 12 in 1998, and I stayed up all night listening to Le Mans on very primitive Radio Le Mans streaming.

I’m getting this weird sense of deja vu

Now playing

First a Chevy then a Ford. Was seriously expecting a Ram next.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Now playing

The correct answer is insane technical death metal.

Did they teach him how to turn right?