
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: I would like to see an episode where the doctor _doesn't_ choose humanity over some other sort of alien. Yes, it will probably offend some people and probably only be effectively used in some sort of political statement, but I think that it would be nice to see human expansionism being a bad thing

@Mary Ratliff: My girlfriend and I have a lot of geek friends who are also dating geeks. Double dates and such get really fun when you go out and everyone ends up on opposite sides of a debate and then start yelling at each other, and then get REALLY odd looks when other people in the restaurant figure out that you

@omgwtflolbbqbye: You would go and dredge this back up again.... if this is true someone needs to EXTERMINATE RTD

@Doctor How: wibbly wobbly timey wimey... stuff. THAT's what makes the universe go 'round!

@AmishJohn is waiting for his groupies: Oh man, those were even worse than the books! The books definitely suffered from a lack of good writing - it is somewhat telling that the kids series had almost the exact same style which fit it 1000x better - and some very debatable theology... but the movies had Kirk Cameron!

@caritas: If you want to try some neat Christian fantasy, check out some Stephen Lawhead or Ted Dekker.

@Dunny0: The issue isn't so much that Christians don't have access to SFF books (though I won't deny that I've met people who won't buy/read books that aren't from a Christian bookstore), the issue being discussed is the fact that there is a certain reluctance in Christian publishers to print books which do not have

@NixNada: *squints*

Wicked! Though the text could have been a little faster/more in sync... just a little distracting

@Mr_Academic: Oh, I hoped that there was some grander design at work. All the little tidbits which have been left behind for us to squabble over have been a fantastic way of keeping a discussion going about the show. I liked the way they played the Crack off of Bad Wolf - "hunting" for it in every episode as it were -

I kind of enjoyed these episodes. Not my favourites of the season, but not terrible either. Rory especially shined in this episode, as did Elliot. The way the Doctor continues to have this amazing repertoire with kids in the series continues to amuse me and make me all the more anxious for the return of Amelia in the

@ijustwritebooks: Ok, that wound still hurts... gorramit, I was Pluto in a kindergarten play about the planets and I refuse to be demoted!

I just saw Toy Story 3 and man... it was fantastic. I think I actually liked it more than TS2.

@glaeven: It should be alright, apparently they had O'Malley around to check things out and give a hand with the ending

@CuriousYellow: I live close to Campbellford where the toonie designer is from so every time I go through the town I am greeted with the sight of a gigantic toonie. Its a wonderful thing. Though dubloonie would have been a wicked name... very pirate-y

@Burke: She was pretty fantastic. I also really loved her character in Jekyll - gave the character set a nice, well-rounded feel