
Also, who doesn’t love the idea of liquored up NFL fans (because that’s what off duty cops are, just fans, nothing more) packing heat inside stadiums? That’s the real idiocy here - they believe that, because they are cops, they are somehow more trustworthy with a firearm and booze than anyone else.

Way to fling this at Black Lives Matter.

He looks like Pharrell's older, less happy brother.

I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.

“The incident that happened a few days prior” is that a black sounding person called their store and then showed up a little before closing time in a car with dealer plates (although the store, and initially the police, made it sound like there was a lot more to that incident—but please let me know if I’m missing

The title is misleading, at least in regards to the first half of the piece. “All the things Dem Candidates Got Wrong...”

Unfortunately, the way this case is being handled makes it look like sex trafficking is a legitimate business.

I don’t think most people want to face up to the fact of how much their ideas of beauty and what’s appealing is influenced by society’s ideals and what they’ve been exposed to. They’d rather throw up their hands and claim what they like is inherent, rather than examine their biases and broaden their horizons. While

I just watched about 30 seconds of the video and not only is she terribly unfunny, she’s also manic and annoying as hell.

I didn’t say that finishing a marathon and showing up were the same. I said “You get a participation trophy for participating, you get a finisher medal for finishing.” I could add that you get a championship trophy for winning the championship, which is entirely consistent with everything else I said. Timmy showed up,

I don’t see how they’re different. You get the same finisher medal for running hard the whole time or walking the whole thing. Participation trophies can be tangible reminders of difficult mental/physical challenges. A lot of kids legitimately work hard and improve in youth sports leagues and lose by just as much as

Most recreational youth leagues promise some kind of trophy to all kids, and good trophies for the teams and players that do the best (and as I said before, kids know the difference). It’s guaranteeing a service in exchange for money, just like Harrison’s contract with the Steelers. They’re not so different,

This is a former governor and Fox television host. He’s not making some crazy rant on the internet. He is the Republican party. He is not a moron. He is a cruel, calculating man in a position of power.

I had a pile of those trophies, including a few that were MVP ones. I was proud of all of them. At the time I didn’t think they were crap, I was excited to have something shiny. I knew that some were more special than others, of course, but we were kids and we got something. I don’t see anything wrong with it. If

“I think there’s a happy balance of installing a competition nature in kids, making them understand earning rewards and being decent people. “

Not even looking at her emotional state, is her body even ready for this? How is this going to affect her long term health? If he really wanted to protect the mother as he puts it, he would have taken that into consideration. I hope he gets raked over the coals for that awful answer.

Or encourage them to improve (which will lead them to accomplish greater things) as opposed to driving them to win.

The protest was perhaps clumsy and perhaps in theory the sort of thing that could set your eyes to rolling if you’ve been on a college campus in the last 20 years—blatantly silencing?— but it forced Sanders to release a statement on police reform the very next day.

“as well-meant as they are, they don’t address the fact that even if he wins, there’s still going to be racism and everything that comes with it”

Just like as well-meaning as this article is, Greg, it doesn’t address the fact that even if he, or any Democrat, no matter how progressive, wins, they’re going to be dealing

When the bride says that weddings are to make money for the future, that kind of clues one in that the marriage is a sham.