
You don’t understand your own comment?? The comment of the new black being better and more positive than the alternative mindset of blaming a system because one group received the short end of the stick. The idiom itself implies choice. As in when drawing a stick, with chance, one has the opportunity to draw a large

I’m always curious where people think that “Black” that one describes themselves comes from. So, where does your “Black” come from??

We just ran out of luck and got the short end of the stick, huh?? That stick, broken and dilapidated, wasn’t given to anyone, they just so happened to choose it, right?? Your thinking is the reason history is so important.

What will be real funny to watch is how Kanye broaches these topics now that he’s been conferred with an honorary phd. I can all but guarantee he’ll put himself among actual critical thinkers, philosophers and the like. . . smh

Perfect moment for Don and crew to show how civil disobedience should be done. . .since they don’t think rioting is worthwhile. And, in tried and true form, they do nothing. Just don’t talk about their pants Don. Be that element of change. That was such a perfect opportunity and you fuckin’ blew it. fuck you.

Operating with such wanton disregard implies that they did not care if he was seriously injured or died, for that matter. . which makes it more than willful.

If it weren’t for the severed spine. . you might have something.

No. . . no he doesn't.

you do realize you've likely started a conspiracy theory. . right?? lol

Intended Effect: This is my grandfather's chain and charm, signifying his and my culture.

You seriously got all that through osmosis through the television?? That's fuckin' amazing!!?!?!?

Killed it!! Good job, holmes.

I would posit they are more susceptible to sexual abuse.

All this time I thought the key to that was rehearsal. Instead, it's a curse?? Well waddyaknow.

might I add the crack/cocaine epidemic. . .

maybe the sliding?? if it's for the actual genuflect, it's a bullshit call without question.

Where's Stephen A Smith on this one?

Two things I'm not sure were mentioned that I happen to abhor. 1) That extra minute you attempt to get by jumping ahead of the line before they call your seat row, really does make you an asshole. 2) It does NOT take rocket science if you're an able bodied person to put your bag away and sit the FUCK down in less than

a boxer using his skill against a woman is pretty fucking awful.

lmao. . . really?? clunky?? just read it?!?! lol