
Really? An anethestical solution for a major design flaw? F U Apple.

Is Jobs going to be in the press conference? I hope not or else the fan boys are going to eat anything that comes out of his mouth.

Is it that hard to admit to a big mistake? Come on Apple, is not like Microsoft never did with Vista... oh wait.

@imandresc: You may be into something, but then again, I'm no engineer.

@chickdigger802: I believe Gizmodo won't till El Jobso resigns, which may be on Friday.

@jetRink: Don't forget that they can render a scene and then re render the same scene until it is as good as they wanted it to be

Is it me or everything here is double posted?

From the side it look like a Alienware Desktop.

So if you go high up past the clouds, could you go cloud surfing?