zen weapons

Dang, I was waiting for boobs the whole movie I must have just imagined them. I just assumed that's what really earned it the R rating.

Not a particularly great episode. Were Mac and Dennis masturbating while watching porn together? When Charlie wanted to get involved it sounded like they were saying they do it together. I did like the bit where Mac admitted he tried his own and liked it, because of course Mac would.

I listened to this on Spotify recently and enjoyed it. I imagine Spotify doesn't lend itself as well to comedy albums for supporting the author.

The prime minister/princess whatever tells him if he saves the world she'll give him anal.

Titties are in the final scene I believe. I don't want to spoil the scene but apparently it's in the first sentence of the other Kingsman article here, there is a sex scene.

I know it's only the difference of a B and a B- but I can't believe Jupiter Ascending got a higher rating. JA got way too generous of a grade here. JA is at 23% on RottenTomatoes and Kingsman is at 77%. I knew very little going into Kingsman and I'm not even a real fan of spy movies but I really enjoyed the

I didn't even remember this until just now, another moment I lost it. Ben/Adam Scott was MVP last night.

I need a gif of that cocky lower lip bite Ben did when he told Ron and Andy "They like me here". Definitely the best Ben facial expression since his drunk Baba Booey face. I know we saw it coming but when April called to tell him she didn't want the job I fucking lost it. I'm sad we didn't get to see more of that

I saw a screening for this and Kingsman and while I'm more of a fan of sci-fi than spy movies, I would suggest Kingsman much more. JA seems like a combination of a Disney movie, Star Wars prequels and for one jarring scene unlike the rest of the movie something like Brazil or The Fifth Element.

This is what I was concerned about. They're generally very broad performers, maybe Wiig and McKinnon can play the more subdued characters because they have more range but I don't see a good dynamic for them to work with.

I was saying this back when Cecily was co-anchor since they're dating and at least would have chemistry. Missed opportunity.

I'm trying to figure that out as well, does anyone have an explanation?

I wouldn't say I don't like it or don't see the merit in it. I can appreciate that it's setting the foundation for his films but after reading all of the AVClub comments claiming it's his best film I couldn't help but feel disappointed. It probably didn't help that I wasn't a big fan of the cast, it even featured

I remember the only marketing I saw for that movie was an ad in the paper of Jack Black with the mustache, I laughed at how sad it was I never heard of it and looked stupid. Months later I saw him talk about it on Conan and decided to check Rottentomatoes so I could laugh at how bad the score was, to my surprise it

After the last post here about Baumbach (about Highball) I watched Kicking and Screaming recently and got Margot, Mr Jealousy and Highball. I feel like I didn't get something or maybe I was turned off by the production values but I'm not in so much of a rush to see the other earlier movies. Perhaps I had to be there

Futurama has been around the block a few times.

I stopped watching him years ago, if he's going to be so insufferable he needs to at least make the show funny. I realized the only part I liked was New Rules. My Dad loves him though since he's pro pot and anti religion.

I hate the first few minutes of Chasing Amy. Not because it's bad but because I've seen only the first 15 mins so much, I try to watch the movie and end up always having to turn it off like 15 minutes in. I don't go back to it until it's been so long I forget what happens and I need to rewatch it then I'm stuck in a

I've heard him talk about it on the nerdist a bit but he only recently started smoking.

I've always found Momentary Lapse pretty dated sounding but still more listenable than The Final Cut. I actually like Dogs of War but after reading the PF subreddit it appears to be considered one of the worst PF songs of all time? I'm a huge fan of TDB however.