I voted CP but you might want to stop holding your Sentra up on a pedestal. You talked a lot of shit about the Focus but it’s a pretty stout car in terms of acceleration and handling, as I’ve driven the wheels off a non-SVT two-door variant.
I voted CP but you might want to stop holding your Sentra up on a pedestal. You talked a lot of shit about the Focus but it’s a pretty stout car in terms of acceleration and handling, as I’ve driven the wheels off a non-SVT two-door variant.
You sound like you’re bragging. I wouldn’t want the stigma.
Hey, drug dealers have a code of ethics!
They should have been doing it all along. There’s a reason Jeff Bezos has so much money... he took it from his employees. Just like every other billionaire.
Dumb fuck, there are more people than there are culpable careers. You do realize no everyone can have a career? Some people will always have to work menial task as a job. Yet you have to show your superiority by pretending you have answers when you don’t. Fuck off with your high horse.
It’s dumb at a price point of $300+. It’s ideal at $100-150 and I’d even consider getting back into stick fighting (25+ years after my last game) at that price.
Why do I feel like this is a personal attack? I don’t want to consider a future where delicious coffee can’t scald my tongue.
With that grip on those pearls, they aren’t going anywhere. He didn’t feed them to the dog, you know this. Shit happens, no need to pretend you’re a better stoner.
BF1942 and Desert Combat mod was the most fun I had with this entire series.
You keep quoting from a book written by men. You might want to try another tactic if you really want to make a point with people who’ve already called you out on using fake religion to prop up your argument.
Not really. I’d be okay with being wrong for not following a book that says a lot of fucking stupid things. I’d also like to point out that NONE of the religions have any idea what happens when we die. So, pretending you know the answer is hubris at its most base.
When did HamNo go full satire?
It’s all over Facebook how she’s now vindicated the GOP and proven that there is no White Plan. I’m frankly terrified that we’re heading towards civil war.
Except for the fact that my wife cannot drive a manual and is a terrible passenger and would force me to get a Honda Accord Hybridbed I’m all in.
I think you should read the book for more background before making that decision.
So, it comes to this. Are you a Morlock or an Eloi?
Is this real life? Are you really this fucked up in the head you’re thinking this is okay? Fuck off.
40 hours is a cake walk, but that’s not my point. Not going to explain it further but if you think our lives should revolve around going to work then you’re part of the problem.
There are plenty of people who don’t even have the mental fortitude to work 40 hours plus a week, even with knowing it will be the difference between being homeless and having food and a roof over your head. Acting like they’re less than is a real problem and I can’t explain it enough to the RightWingers because I’m…
If you have to ask...