
I’m glad I’m not the only nerd who noticed that.

Time. Time is what we have to lose with so many games to play and so little of the clock available for gaming.

I watched until I couldn’t take anymore of her insults for an entire subclass of people, many of whom I consider family and friends. Fuck this fat-assed queen of trash.

What is problematic for the altered headline?

“The judge ordered him not to go on Facebook anymore” 

Despite being my least-favored Ferrari of all time, this is an apprehensive Nice Price. It looks remarkably well-kept for a thirty-year old automobile. I’d like to hear it start and run, just to fulfill that part of me that loves the burble of Italian metal.

While at $6,500 this might be a Nice Price to a Fiero lover, and indeed everything else sounds great, this is my least-favorite bodystyle. The fastbacks look great (to me) while every other Fiero style looks dated. The lack of original wheels also lend this advertisement a CP.

How about A Lotta Ladas Loosely Listing Leeway?

+1 for the sick nerd burn!

I have to wonder if he’s more like Albert Brook’s character from Out of Sight.

Eww. I grew up in the eighties and the Corvette was ghastly then, too. These have not aged well, IMO.

“The uploader has not made this video available in your country.”

Of course everyone knows moss only grows on the North side of wrecked Porsches at the bottom of a cliff in the Oregon wilderness.

There it is. You use snowflake as an insult like the rest of the bigoted, imbecilic supporters of segregation. You might want to find another community to harass because I’m pretty sure your time is up here.

In the late nineties around Nashville there was a teal-colored Taurus festooned with antennae and tinted windows with the giveaway tag of N4RK or N4RC. It’s been a long time but it always stuck with me as kind of a douchebag tag.

You seem to have lost your Jalop heart. Asking why is a foolish endeavor, and the only answer is that we should RWD all the things.

My ICQ was 195708. Apparently having a low number was something of a status symbol at one point before ICQ’s demise.

Ever get on the IRC punk channels?

The point of protest is to get a response. If enough people protested for a cause, they can’t fire everyone and regardless some things are more important than a job. Sacrifices are made in the quest for a greater good.

If he cleaned this up, painted it and removed all other traces of Fauxrarri and then installed an all-trac drivetrain with a manual transmission I’d happily drive it. Just sayin.