
Why is he wearing a wig?

This comment makes zero sense. Plus, you should be reprimanded for the use of "derp" in any fashion.

The 305 could be had with the 5-speed and TBI.

<i>"who rode up behind him and flashed his lights at him"</i>

Don't forget the awesome NSX.

In a similar vein, this is the attitude that most Republicans I know have towards our current CIC. They don't believe in some of the ideals of liberals, so they believe they're seeing through the bullshit and calling Obama what he is. To them, the president is just another jackass wielding power, but to those who

Just before your first gif, sliding around a left-hander, he loses it but they did a cut and then made it look seamless in the next scene. If you watch the video, you can see where he's just losing it but then it cuts to him drifting through the turn you've captured. This happens at 0:38 in the original video.

I have a $350 HTPC with a triple-core processor, 4GB of DDR3 and a 2GB 6670 graphics card that can play Farcry 3 and BF3. You don't NEED a $1000 PC but it is prettier to look at.

Now playing

This is more pseudo one-take but still one of the better examples of how to keep it fast paced.

It pleases me to know that your first memory of the palm-slice was also from Prince of Thieves.

Do you drive real cars fast? If so, you'd know that the GT series, and hopefully this new one, are light-years ahead of Forza with regards to "feeling" authentic at speed.

This world seems like it would blend pretty seamlessly with Stephen King's Dark Tower series.

I'll just point out that if you shot real guns for several hours, emptying magazine after magazine full-auto... you'd probably find that just as, if not more, annoying. I'm only replying to add another angle as your point is kind of lost on the majority after announcing your displeasure for a central effect within the

This guy needs a walk-on role in Fury Road. At the least, his car deserves it.

HonestyandTruth, but not the ability to actually read into what the fuck you're commenting. Interesting.