
Why the hell does the “torque ratios” lady hold her coffee cup so damn high?

It’s ok, Brad. She cannot hurt you anymore.

Facepalm @ “torque ratios”....

The “Brad” girl is sorely missing from this post.

I think these commercials are so irritating because they play into all of our older generations’ assumption that the younger generation is very self-absorbed and clueless about how the real world works. “I was just taking a selfie and BAM, a truck came out of nowhere and now YOU want ME to pay YOU for fixing your

Tom, do not challenge the insurance industry advertisers. There is no peak to the stupidity, as there can always be more to come

I like the one that blathers something about “torque ratios” then says it’s part of doing your homework on buying a car. I think it’s part of doing your homework for the dumbass who wrote that commercial, and they didn’t do it.

And lo, he opened the eighth seal, and within it was a marketing study on the aspirations of millenials, and the CLA begat the GLA and the LORD looked down and saw it was bad.

Was once replacing the battery on my DD, in the driveway on a very hot day. Somehow managed to cross the terminals with the wrench I was holding, causing me to raise my head rapidly into the hood with a loud (and painful) clang. Which caused me to then duck. And unfortunately also caused the hood holder rod to

I hope you park better than you drive.

So much this. Almost anything you do when confronted with a bad drive can only serve to make a bad or dangerous situation even worse.

those water filled ditches are calling

As far as things they can’t do: Stay in mint condition?

Smoked lights are one of my biggest pet peeves. It’s not like the brake and tail lights were designed for the visibility of other drivers at all anyway!

Only if you dispute it!

And Tesla sales plummet in 3...2...1...

lmao self awareness isn’t your strong suit huh

1: “Ridiculously Awesome _ _ Wallpaper” is a series post on here, so you should probably know that since you don’t seem to yet. obviously not every one of us on here think each and every car featured is literally “ridiculously awesome.” any suggestion of that is in itself ridiculous.

Man, the weekend hosts a tough crowd ‘round here.