
Me too. When my wife is driving, I act like a driving instructor. “Most people try to avoid pot holes, but I see you take a different approach.” “If the light was red before we arrived, obviously the traffic in front of us is not going to accelerate 0-60 in 4 seconds, you should have let off the gas about 100 feet

Feet up on the dash.

I don’t know about the worst, but I cringe every time I see someone with their feet on the dash. Good news! After you get into an accident and the airbag deploys, you won’t have to prop your legs up, the full body cast will do it for you!

If I’m relying on you to help navigate, learn your damned directions.

Whenever my dad drives with me, and we get to an intersection that the cross traffic does not stop, he’ll lean forward to look his way and assure me that it is clear. Thanks but if you didn’t lean forward I could have seen just fine that it was clear as well

Didn’t they say the same thing about the NSX? like 10 years ago?

So it truly is a baby NSX

Any VW with these gauges. Who decided RPM should be displayed x100 instead of x1,000???

The sight lines out the front speak volumes to the lack of knowledge of automotive packaging as well. It's a disaster.

I have a ‘99 so I completely agree with her: The suspension works exactly like that of a Corvette or a Ferrari in that it keeps the chassis off the pavement most of the time.

I was waiting for Deadspin's first April Fool's joke. I suppose if Leitch had given a Furious movie an A, the joke would be too obvious.

The 1999 Z concept:

I disagree. The concept was 90s bonkers, the production was cheap 90s plastic.

Unless you are secretary of state, then destroying evidence is okay

One icy winter I hit someone as I slid for well over 300 feet on glare ice. Police showed up and he rear ended me, then got rearended by a truck.

You must have a Costanza size wallet.

The LM2 Streamliner is not only an engineering tour de force; it is a masterpiece equivalent to fine art.

This has absolutely zero professional look, I mean.... this is not even an student design project,the car looks unreal even for a videogame... and still, without any production restrictions looks terrible... I mean, come on!!!

This is why anyone who designs anything needs at least a few other people to take a look over their shoulders and say something if said design is amazingly ugly before it gets too far down the line.

That car is about as easy to look at as Mr. Lyons' quotes are to read.