
Haha, wow. Enjoy your next crash everyone. This is TOTALLY sustainable.

I know something it can't beat.

Maybe that's true, but we live in a world where the M3 fighter is better that it's ever been. And right now, arguably the very best M3 fighter is the new Lexus RC F, which has two more cylinders, about 40 horses, and a much cheaper loaded price than the BMW. But it's also considerably heavier.

Acura TSX Wagon is/was a better option for similar or maybe even less money. It's a real wagon that also looks much better.

Fire trucks mean business..

I'm actually going to give the same answer I gave to Ralph:

Dat torque.

Who are you honking at behind you? How often are you backing into crowds of people?

Whats that lever on the left side of my steering column for?

Also, If you are merging into heavy traffic that is moving at 15 MPH, dont' speed up to 60, fly ahead of everyone else, and merge in to a spot just big enough for your car 2 feet before the orange buckets.

How do you come to the conclusion that the minivan wasn't paying attention? I see about 1.0-1.5 seconds between the Prius pulling out and the sound of locked wheels. Given the average reaction time of a human and the time between initial pedal depression and wheel lock, I'd say the minivan was on the ball.

First read:- Troll?.
Second read:- Not sure if serious.
Third read:- Ah!, of coarse, must be troll.

IIHS small overlap test complete...

(what was that make/model?)

What? With the wheels locked up, steering hard right, left or up (if possible) would have have induced nothing but more nothing.

Looking at the video its clear this person "locked up" like their non-abs car. If you looks closely at the wheels, he didn't even attempt to steer back into the lane, or if he (she?) did they certainly didn't try very hard.

The Smart ForTwo is a joke played on North Americans. It's touted for its hyper efficiency but the actually efficient models aren't even sold here (diesel and hybrid). It's 100% bait and switch. Also it requires Premium gas, which negates any actual savings in increased fuel economy.

failure in america = failure period. Because 'Merica

I mis-read the article. I thought the Craigslist ad said he was going to give me $4,000 to set it on fire.

this is what happens when you have legal weed kids, you get spoilers on metros. Lesson hopefully learned