Smoked lenses is the gold chains of taillights.
Smoked lenses is the gold chains of taillights.
Good question! I’ve been wondering how I ended up in the world of non-approval (I’m not one of these guys spewing f-bombs and vitriol), but starting a few weeks ago all my comments have gone to no-mans land. Confusing.
I’m aware of the Saab / Blazer thing, I’m more surprised by the thought of this ending up on a ‘luxury SUV’ list, badge-engineered or not. I get how Chevrolet thinks, but on this one I don’t get how Jalopnik thinks.
Is this a joke?
Agreed. His whole ‘reason’ for taking up 2 parking spaces was to avoid dings, which implies that he expected others to park around him. Which makes him a douche.
French door fridge? minivan? kids play....I’ve done it many times.
47.4” between the wells
Best first car? It’ll probably end up being your last.
Conquest. But I’d take either in a heartbeat.
In college, one of the guys in the apartment complex drove one of these, a red one. He was obviously very proud of it. (I drove a 94 Civic hatch.......and I HATED it when people asked me if it was a Metro).
Have to admit, quite possible. One time when I was in Rio I was talking to a guy on the street and down the road he saw a big commotion of people carrying stuff. He ran down to see what was going on and came back with a couple crates of bottled beer (everyone was looting a beer truck that had wrecked). Saw the same…
In high school I had the hots fora girl who drove one of these. Coincidentally, she failed her driver’s test, three times.
Man, I had Beretta GTU want for a long time (in my mind, it seems like this was the 80s....)
One of my sister’s friends had a S-coupe. Brand new. It got stolen, and for whatever reason, she didn’t have insurance in effect. Never heard how that story turned out, but in theory, she would’ve been on the hook for the payments.
Don’t know why, but these things always had a soft spot in my heart. People I knew loved ‘em. (One of my buddies used his as a cash-for-clunkers, ended up getting a Nissan Cube. I questioned that one).
You forgot the part in the conversation where they talked about the Red Bull.
The first hybrid vehicle sold to the public...
Just how could you hate on the cab-forward design with its “sports-car handling”?
Wish it could work. That’d be an enormous amount of torque placed at the rear bumper / hinge area if you had a load of appreciable weight. I would also imagine tail lights would also have to be positioned in the nethermost portion of the tailgate area.