you have my queer stamp of approval to use it:
you have my queer stamp of approval to use it:
it's definitely not "othering" everywhere. all of my straight friends in England use the word "partner", so it's actually quite an inclusive word there. i personally don't like the word "spouse" at all. if it's not too personal a question, why can't you be out at work? (and if you're using the word "spouse" there,…
what is the age cut-off for the generational divide you mention? i ask becase my older lesbian friends (50+) tend to use "lover" and "life partner" (blech), but i can'tsay that i know too many my age or younger who use eitherofthose or who have a problem with "wife" and/or "partner". my wife/partner and i use both…
most of my (straight) friends here who are couples are PACSed, as it gives you some benefits and just requires a letter to the Mairie to get out of. my wife and i PACSed out of necessity.
it's standard postpartum PT here. it's supposed to help you recover from vaginal birth and cut down on things like incontinence. my wife and midwife insisted it was important and necessary.
a lot of those people are probably PACSed, though.
tout à fait! this has been my experience as well. it's just like any other culture. although unlike you, i know plenty of people who are disturbed by the influx of certain parts of American culture. (not really sure what "normal people" means for you....) i have yet to see lots of drunk women (or men for that…
i've "learned about reality" by living in more than few foreign countries, and like you i grew up in the deep South. i'll agree that no country is perfect (and that absolutely includes the one i currently live in....a country which many people dream of visiting or living in), but do you really want to go with the…
yep, la manif pour homophobes.... i literally get sick to my stomach when i see their flags and posters on the streets. those assholes have caused us so much pain, and i'm really, really sick of their shit.
actually, you are right. according to my wife, the riot police are at pretty much every protest/manif and at some of the more important football games. after everything that has happened with the manif pour tous people, i just assumed it was because of them. obviously, my own traumatic experiences are coloring my…
i assume they're there because people from la manif pour tous are. (see the pink flag next to the French one at 00:08 in the video? that's their symbol). they are the anti-gay/trans group that fought against the marriage law that passed last year. the extreme right joined in with them and towards the end, their…