
An assault rifle must have select fire - option to fire single rounds and fully automatic. The AR-15 is only semiautomatic.

Whether you do or do not want it near you is immaterial. It is still not an assault rifle.

An AR-15 is not an assault rifle.

Gangsta Kitty.

Talk to them? What would be the point of that. Would I be able to talk to enough people to cover 2000 communities? I saw the comment you quoted and I responded to it, but individual people citing discrepancies has infinitely less power than statistical analysis. What you are asking me to do is to use individual

Sorry those dudes shafted you. But, change is afoot, it has been for some time. Women earn the majority of college degrees and are starting to earn more than their male peers. The old boys clubs will die out soon.

Pop Feminism. This is like that series Sense8 by the Wachowski Brothers on Netflix.

There is no evidence that women tolerate pain better than men. Women are also less athletic than men and therefore less likely to excel in physically demanding tasks, like stunting.

But women also get handled with kid gloves in real life.

What the fuck is mansplaining?

Would it matter though? The kid is alive and needs to be supported.

The shoe is on the other foot.

You’re such a dick.

I’ve had this discussion with you before, but I will say it again. I think you are making the mistake of shoehorning gender into medicine. Sure it is possible that men are holding back because of *masculinity*, but what evidence do you have of this? In most cases, diagnosis of mental illness will rely on self

Hawkeye was the best character in the second Avengers movie:

But most mental illnesses are more common in women. Bipolar Disorder is slightly more common in women.

LOL! He said men are imprinted with the notion, meaning dudes have been led to believe that women don’t like short men. What does evo psych have to do with anything?

“If you’re single in your 40’s after years of trying to not be single maybe it’s time to look inward and stop blaming other people for your problems”.

I read your post and now I’m afraid I might go have to kill some women while laughing.

Boys get his name, girls get your name.