Wet Pet

As far as “Han Solo flyboy” goes, I think people always get it wrong when they equate Poe with Han. I think the three new heroic leads do correspond well with the leads from the originals, and Rey is an obvious Luke parallel (orphan from backwater planet becomes super powerful Jedi). But the real parallel with Han is

At this rate, you’ll have to change your name to Supreme Leader Woke...

The Han Solo flyboy becomes an annoying Millenial who wants to vote for Bernies Sanders and basically tells Hillary Clinton Holdo to STFU and wait her turn.

One of the funnier aspects of the hunt for the Terror and Erebus a couple years ago was how the local Inuit population had been suggesting to the Canadian/British governments for years that they might want to search nearby Terror Bay (named so by the crew of the Erebus in honour of the lost crew). One local hunter

“Ugh, shirtless profile pic. Swipe left... Why won’t it swipe left? “

I have to say, Leia coming back was my favourite moment in the whole film. I got a lump in my throat. I don’t understand the criticisms of it. 1) The physics make sense. She is weightless in space, so even a slight force pull would be enough to pull herself to the ship. 2) Yes, we never saw her learn Jedi skills, but

“To be fair, all sci-fi gets laser blasters wrong. The laser would be traveling at light speed which is obviously too fast to see it moving in the first place.”

WARNING: lots of thoughts, lots of text.

Hardcore fanboys will be torn between HATING it and loving it, I can’t see a long time fan walking away neutral from this film... too much happens for neutrality. Those who hated on TFA for being too ANH (but liked the characters/actors overall) will LOVE IT. Those who have an open mind and like scifi stuff will LOVE

This. This right here. Thanks for the laugh!

I’m around Dern’s age and I would also cry if I met Chewbacca or C3PO or R2-D2. Seriously, every time the “in a galaxy far, far away” scroll starts, I cry. Same with the Rocky theme.

You’ve never heard of the Millennium Falcon?

“[T]he Star Wars producers decided to cleverly conceal the freighter under some plastic tarps inside a circle of storage containers...”

We’re fine. We’re all fine here now, thank you. How are you? 

When people talk about expanding the Star Wars universe, what they actually mean is expanding how the same small group of characters shaped everything in the entire universe ever - a universe that really doesn’t have more than five important planets (including one that everyone insists is a backwater, despite all

The worst part of the old EU was how it tended to make literally everybody who got a second of screen time tied into the main plot. Ice cream machine guy? Rebel Spy. Frog Dog thing in Jabbas? Imperial drop point. Two girls randomly in the bar? Intergalactic spies trying to steal imperial tech. Guy in astronaut costume

This sounds like a rejected robot chicken skit. Also after the whole guys from the cantina show up in rogue one thing the universe can’t get too much smaller.

“The more you tighten your grip on all this backstory, the more my giving a shit slips through your fingers.”

This is how you make a universe smaller.

Definition - a show so great even the Dream Warriors wrote a song about it.