Wet Pet

Unfortunately, the first thing I thought of:

It's so dense. Every single rumour has so much going on.

We're doing Rush gateway stories?

Someone down thread said it already, but damn it, not everything needs canonical explanation!

I was late to the party with F&G, burning through it on DVD about 7 or 8 years ago. This scene is when it was absolutely confirmed that I was watching something special, and it's the one that first comes to mind whenever I see the series discussed.

Came across this yesterday when a prominent Canadian political commentator tweeted it out. Two things:

Wow. This seems like a really unnecessary sequel. I thought Live Die Repeat was successfully self contained without a cliff hanger (unless I'm remembering wrong)

I guess that's appropriate as a rouge is worth one point.

Right here:

Well, except for the whole "The events in the movie enable the plot of the very first story told in this universe."

Yay! I get to discuss Star Wars plot points!

I have no choice to blame Lucas.

It's so dense. Every single frame -

I thought Guy Fieri and the guy from Smash Mouth were the same person, maybe from alternate dimensions.

I dunno.

Can we blame/credit this scene with starting the Medal Of Honor/Call Of Duty game series? I've thought so, but it may be a case of correlation not being causation.

Love this movie more than it deserves.

This whole tournament has just been a clusterf**. The trolling was hilarious (Whopper over 5 Guys? Really?) but it was clear that Wiger was manipulating the results to get In and Out in the finals (champions?)

Now I'm curious about what new information you got from this article.

I've said this before, but I started watching Nu Who (very late) hoping it would be a clean reboot, inspired by but not beholden to classic Who. The need to hook into established canon is the worst part of Abrahms Trek (alternate timeline? seriously?)