
yeah, I had an idea along those lines, but that's too stupid even for GoT. Besides, new writers have no problem killing starks…or at least direwolves.

the word on the street is Danys' 100K horsemen and eunuchs (are we still pretending this is a good idea for soldiers? The Chinese used them to escort concubines and handle the books, not to fight off mongol hordes) will cross the sea, with dragons. They will roast the WW. Then she can be Mysha to the 5 remaining

they don't have sepsis in the GoT universe, right?

you won the internetz, congrats.

damn, I am dense. yes, Danerys or, preferably Margaery. Those gals should definitely look into Yara's leadership style. I smell spin-off!

true, she just killed every Khal instead in a burning ring of fire.

what was Archer's plan? I don't think Sam Spade would ever let a dame get the drop on him like that.

oh right, the boringest storyline. Arya and the waif et al. I thought the waif did a pretty good job of stabbing her, it was almost reminiscent of how Robb's wife got it in the Red Wedding.

like 2 girls making out at a bar, trying to get attention. She's selling her dominance by how much bravado she puts into it.

Orcas are mammals, black fish care not for mammals.

The blackfish is one cool cat. Did we ever get any backstory on him aside from him being able to light a funeral barge at 100 yards?

The boobie casting director has done a bang up job this season.

I think Yara's screwing girls because she realizes she can't be leader of the iron borne if she's getting dicked by some dude. It's the optics of their leadership and she can't be seen as weak, as being seduced or dominated. She has to consume women too, not be consumed.

here. you schedule PR meeting at 12. have lunch. Talk to tech blogger gal at 2pm.

wait, so why not sell the box to someone else? And really…really? The PR person and the journalist-ish person are in the building at the same time in confusable conference rooms?

that one minute of lead time seems legit. Way to go, Bran.

I felt like they needed pop up video for this episode, who what these kids? weren't the white walkers on the other side of the wall or what? So Bran's being dragged by a teenage girl with a 1 minute head start against an army of super fast zombies…seem legit.

yeah, nice job, Bran. Way to get the mark of the white king, Bran. The most boring of all the boring subplots ends up killing everyone. greatt…..

The breakout star of the episode was the comely busty lass who played Sansa in the play. Probably best breasts yet in GoT's run.

a field bet? I'll take that action. The boring ass Khaleesi plot that Tyrion finds himself within is so full of cannon fodder or whatever you want to call these red shirts that someone's going to get killed. Sadly, it's not grey worm. So boring…so … boring.