
holy crap, that was a long review. Quick comment vs the monologue. The reviewer notes that CK pokes fun at self satisfied religious types. Nah, bro. Quick correction, he poked fun at self-satisfied atheist types. Which is in a way its own religion but I don't think the reviewer meant that. Oh, and religion. but

I guess the show doesn't even know. He is either in the bar and in deep shit or he's not. If he's not, then most of his sins are forgiveable.

I don't disagree but there is the special dispensation for the actual top grad at most respectable law schools. You finish top…3 to 5, you get your order of the coif, Big Law may give you a shot.

That's what's so weird. Without bar membership, Mike can hang around and be a gopher but he can't show up and do things on his own. But not even Harvey would tempt fate by letting Mike go and get questioned about his bar number & membership.

see below, mike has not submitted an application to the bar. He is, as I always thought he should be, a law clerk. He's ok. He is not going to jail…well except for:
hacking into Harvard,
dealing drugs,
taking exams for money, and
playing illegal high stakes poker games.
But if he hasn't lied to the NY Bar Association

then he's a law clerk and his only "crime" was pretending he went to Harvard. He's been ostensibly doing gopher duty for Harvey. He hasn't been practicing law any more than a summer associate practices law.
At this point, Mike's life is easier:
1. He admits to the firm that he never went to Harvard.
2. The firm's all

this is getting annoying. I checked wiki-suits and indeed mike once took the bar exam on a dare.
But Mike has to be a member of the NY State bar in order to actually show up in court and act as first chair as we've seen him do.
So, nothing shows up on how he's pulling it off. As a frequently inebriated viewer, I

the show is the show. They need that judge from the simpsons to declare Mike had attended Harvard and that no one should ever speak of this again under penalty of catapult.

oh right. But still. cheating, schmeating. Some other college will take his student loan $ ostensibly to give him a second chance.
Then again, Mike's life's trajectory was to do what for the years following getting kicked out of college…smoke pot?

huh? for reals?
I am beginning to question Mike and Harvey's judgment.
So…is Mike on the letterhead or not? I guess Mike has been showing up in court as first chair so he's totes acting like a licensed lawyer. But huh?

It's the NY bar. I may not have been paying close attention but passing the bar was part of his getting his law license. He wouldn't have taken the bar without having applied to the bar.

I am reminded of classic simpsons, "his only crime was breaking the law."
mikey was a bit of a scumbag in his early days. His convoluted back story is such that I as I recall, he can't ever ever get into Harvard bc of his dumb friend, but he could still have gotten into a decent law school. Graduating number one in

Then again, counter point.
Practicing without a license is bad. Sure.
But Mike does have the license. He just lied getting it.
So, if he did get caught. He would just lose the license but probably wouldn't get tossed in jail.
Shit, with Harvey's connections…nah, won't happen but still…his IB golden parachute departure

yeah. Assume everyone lies about credentials. Mike is lying more than others but he's got more skills so much so that his IB name would be worth more than if he only had a high school diploma.
Plus, he could resign the NY bar and not have to worry about it.

In the real world, assuming this shit goes on in the real world, Mike should jump at the chance at real money doing high end IB. But he can't. He's stuck as an associate who will basically be Michael Clayton. No partnership, no glory, just a fixer. Only a fixer with a sword of the NYS bar association hovering over

yeah, sorry, I relooked. More than basically nothing like I remembered but not much. Anyone remember First Years?

allow me to ask a question based on some research I did a few years ago, promptly forgot and probably am misremembering. And no, I don't feel like looking it up.
As far as I can tell, James Roady went from bit walk on part in Beerfest to starring in Psych. Like that's it, thanks IMDB.
What's up with that? Who is (…er,

a fever dream stemming from the malaise that genius possess and the insane lament. Or what they were able to cobble together in the cab on the way to filming the episode.

maybe. maybe during the off season. Working for the man limits my Padalecki time.

"I love you too, Shawn, the way that men can love each other while still having families and wives with houses having connected swimming pools."