
Ok, random internet tough guy. I've heard this a lot, that neighborhood watch captains deserved to get beat down by homophobic teens. I don't get it. Then again most people who want to kill creepy ass crackers don't even understand the basic outlines of the Zim's justified self-defense shooting of a physically

odd sentiment since Zimmerman being given an undeserved beating was what got Tray killed in the first place.

I think we all need to talk about the scottish drunk fish thing Cecily did, which is the funniest thing she'll ever do. and it was cute.

The So-Cal sketch was weird to my east coast ears. But I laughed pretty hard when Jonah talked about his dad in that SoCal way:
"You know, my dad's always been pretty gangster to me, and sometimes I feel that I haven't been that sick of a son."

I believe this also contained one of my favorite Simpsons gags…the ad in Variety:
Flim Springfield
How awesome was thiat?

Yeah right? Chris Pine? Fun enough as Kirk, smirking his way around the set acting like a ladies' man by mooning at every girl he sees.
But as Jack Ryan, a Marine who "spent his fourth year in the med" and then made a few million legally trading futures? And then got into the CIA (and yes, let's forget his crazy bio

This guy, here. That's an article.