First: people very rarely marry the person they started dating when they were in their teens. Second: Call me Old-y McDecrepit, but 24 is too damn young to get married.
First: people very rarely marry the person they started dating when they were in their teens. Second: Call me Old-y McDecrepit, but 24 is too damn young to get married.
“Transfer your Google Play Music account soon. We’ll notify you when it’s your turn to transfer your Google Play Music account. Thanks for your patience!”
Agreed. It’s also not surprising that context plays a role, as Beth’s last example of crystals suggests. If I say that there’s no evidence of X, it matters whether people have tried and failed to find such evidence, in contrast to the territory being yet unexplored. Prior beliefs are part of the picture.
Agreed. Many disciplines are guilty of taking an English word(s) and making it to mean something else in their niche area. The comes a statement “Oh, it means something else in our industry”.
Yeah, the more I read about his isolating mind tricks the more I was thinking that that abusive relationship she helped him out of? He... wasn’t the victim there. If that was even real.
Don’t forget that’s just from her voice. She must have a sexy ass voice!
Two of the six ads below this article are for masks that have a valve. The ads point the valve out as a specific feature for easier breathing.
Yeah, I was with you until the “entitled millenilal” part. What a great way to age your opinion, and feed into one of the most laughable stereotypes. She’s an entitled person. Most millennials aren’t entitled, they are just living in perhaps the most difficult financial time in decades and decades, in general.
So I’ve been with my boyfriend since 2008, when I was 17 and he was 27 (I may not have been entirely truthful about my age when we started seeing each other).He was my first everything, boyfriend, kiss, etc. I thought we had the perfect relationship for a long time, we seemed like the couple everyone wanted to be.
A true case of “you get what you pay for”. IHOP, sadly, makes the worst pancakes of any of the breakfast chains.
it’s always going to baffle me why guns and violence and outright gore are hunky-dory for the wider audience, but implied sex continues to be off-limits.
This is a spoof. No one capable of breathing could accidentally do all of this to herself. I’m calling b.s.
Took the words outta me mouth mate.
Electrocution is defined as death or serious injury by electricity. Surprisingly the youtuber has better grammar than the journalist, as you can see the original video uses “shocked”.
What I want to know is how this guy brings himself back to life following each electrocution? Fairly certain electrocution specifically refers to a death.
Well he does quote from his Ep3 opera house dialogue, which I assume is their shorthand was of saying “look, he did the Darth Plagueis bit and we’re not going into detail because there’s no time”.
Right? Nor would buying from behind the counter or even buying online. You can’t predict guessing.
Yeahhhh but Pokémon like it. Everyone is saying it’s a hellscape, I’m saying it’s more of an Eden. The God of the pokeworld (Arceus, I guess) created a huge variety of cute monsters that love fighting each other into unconsciousness, and laugh and sing when they have to do work. They may be intelligent, but they’re…
Cat does this with off road haul trucks. The way you make it work is you strip the vehicles down, refurbish any parts that need it. Then you build the refurbished unit exactly like a new one, just using refurbished parts instead of new. Cat even has laser welding machines that weld up the cylinder bores in the…