
Surely someone has gotten food poisoning this way, and then sued... Right? 

Who's making excuses for fascists? 

Given current events, I don't know why we need a movie to remind us of this. 

The whole of congress could be Democrats and they would still come up with an excuse for why they can't change anything. 

My exact thought. If it’s going into a cocktail, isn’t it pretty much sanitized?

How about one owner, a lesbain veteran with one Black parent and one Latino parent? These things are not mutually exclusive. 

Since it’s a self-id system, it should be mostly okay. But I can still see the potential for someone to label business they own as friendly in order to lure people in, and then harras them. I’m sure people will find a way to abuse it.

I just want to advocate for technology that can make people safer. If Tesla is doing it, then that’s awesome, even if the other crap they do sucks, and even if the founder is a nut job.

I don't even know how this sort of thing gets written. Is the writer really not self aware enough to see how badly they are failing to consider any of the important questions? Or how completely incongruous their conclusions are with the data? 

Breaking news: More people die in California than in Wyoming.

Preach it. 

This. Elon is a moron, and he hasn’t been leading Tesla in a great direction. But damn guys, this is a TECH blog, you shouldn’t be misinterpreting data to make technology look BAD. At this point, it’s just clickbait.

I think 3-4 in a sitting IS a binge. But the true definition is probably more about how many days total one takes to watch a show. If you only watch one episode a day, but watch an episode every single day until you complete the show... That’s a binge.

So to be clear: for anyone with the previous version there isn't anything here of much interest? 

I’m not sure how people meet up and start these groups. I’m always surprised when I hear they used mainstream platforms.

Not sure what that has to do with Discord as a platform. 

I feel like most of these are just made up, and others are just people slurring together their words. 

Discord is a chat client. It’s very similar to Slack, but marketed more at gamers, hobbyists, and other non-work groups where Slack is marketed to workplaces.

I think Matt Mercer probably put more story into Vecna than any official game books ever did. 

The Galaxy Budd don't have much, but thdy stay in just fine. At a certain point I think the buds are just so low mass that a snug ear tip is all it takes to keep them from moving.