
I don’t know about you, but I for one have reset my autocorrect/spellcheck dictionary to “Klan Meeting 1922.” 

“If you sleep with men and are ever the penetrating partner with anal sex, a smaller penis is actually preferred.”

Just to play devil’s advocate, and express my experience, let’s be realistic: foreplay is more fun with a bigger appendage. As someone who thinks sex is 75 % foreplay and 25 % penetration, it matters to me at least. And I’ve played with a lot. I remembermeeting some very tall 6' 4" guy and he had a pinky sized

I agree. Tips exist because servers make like $2.50 an hour. If you are making $8, $9, $10 an hour just handing an order to someone, what’s the tip for? That’s just doing your job.

I start measuring from my asshole. I’m 9 inches baby!

meh... i guess you gotta publish a tiny dick article every now and again to let fragile dudes feel like they don’t have to kill themselves....or other women but face it. big dicks are more prized by women and society at large.

can make all the excuses or rationales you want, but that’s what’s up.

that being said. work

the average is a little over 5 inches when erect. 5.2 inches, to be exact.

So you put out a jar begging for money then going to insult people who bother to give you a hand out? 

Say thank you and stop being an asshole. Those measly coins add up and if you are a jerk about it there will be fewer and fewer of those coins. 

I hate, hate, hate counter tip jars. I don’t tip at the grocery store. I don’t tip when I buy shoes. So why the hell should I tip someone who works a cash register that does the exact same job done at those other places? (this doesn’t apply to bartenders who double as takeout fetchers)

When I used to go a lot of the fun came from doing elaborate things in a hot desert so removed from everything else. My camp threw a traditional Thanksgiving dinner every Thursday of the burn with multiple turkeys and all the fixins. We’d invite all our neighbors and people wandering by. The amount of enjoyment people

generally, people at burning man are amazingly, significantly less dickish than they are everywhere else. plus, it’s a ton of fun.

Consider attending one of the smaller regional burns before heading to Black Rock. They’re great fun and an excellent way to learn about the Principles, community, volunteering, and more general stuff like what to bring.

Thankfully we got the entirely predictable “hurrrr just don’t go lol” comment out of the way early 

i would say 1) i know you want to get there, but plan it to take longer than you think. we want you to arrive and get home again safe and sound. things go wrong — they ALWAYS go wrong, and not always in ways you can plan for, so take it slow. in a similar vein, 2) be prepared to go with a flow you weren’t

“JUST” remoulade?!?! Hadn’t heard of it before, but it’s pretty good.

Oh...real tip...DO NOT TAKE A CAB FROM THE AIRPORT...I paid $130 Canadian (like $100 US) and that was only because the meter is capped at that price...i.e. the meter keeps going but they charge the flat airport rate...the airport is not close to the city...you will have to take one of the big greyhound bus/shuttles.

Yes, everything there is expensive. But not really much more than a big US city (I’m in DC area). Beers in a bar will run you 7 or 8 bucks, and... and... um... that’s really the only comparison I can offer.

thanks so why they hell does LH give only apple app link?

Nearly worthless.