
I agree that it's not well-explained, and I think we're left to fill in one too many blanks. But it does seem fairly clear to me that between the episode's title and the Doctor's shock in the season finale that the future is STILL wrong that this is intended to be part of a continuous scheme on the Daleks' part. That

[SPOILERS for the rest of Eccleston's season]

I'm not a comics reader, but isn't S.H.I.E.L.D. supposed to be a lot more colorful and badass than this timid bunch? More like the (british) Avengers and less like… idk, whatever these people are?

All due respect to the man, of course — I love (and fear) that character. I just remember some gripes from Spanish speakers about those poolside flashback scenes.

Apparently Giancarlo Esposito is not a native speaker and struggled a bit with the accent.

Oh god they NEED to give Jay Carnes a guest spot.

I've had the same problem. From the TV Club page there seems to be no link to the section, which seems super dumb.

I really wish the show's director and co-creator Jonathan Krisel got more credit. Being familiar with his prior work, it's clear the end product reflects his sensibilities as much as the onscreen stars'. But I guess that's probably true of many shows.