What did it for me with wolfram was when I provided it 6 related inter-dependant equations and it solved for each individual variable flawlessly.
What did it for me with wolfram was when I provided it 6 related inter-dependant equations and it solved for each individual variable flawlessly.
@GizmoTron9000: Well actually. . .technically the "Touchwiz" on the Galaxy S series are Touchwiz 3.0
My first lucid dream ever was related to spyro. . .Not that i ever actually played the game.
I have no idea about sumatra, I just managed to sort out Acrobat's bugs. . .It involved a few reinstalls and twiddling of options.
I've always end up having issues with opening PDFs in browsers. Though luckily i've sorted out all of the issues for now.
@Mecandes: Oh gosh, So true. . .
@skennedy: . . .You speak of the post being offending, yet you directly group teenagers with the Mentally unbalanced?
Furthermore, Why can't sony release the development kits to the general public too T_T?
I still don't understand how exactly it is easy to port from PS3 to NGP. . . They are completely different arhitctures, non? Power, vs ARM.
@firemac: Well obama does(indirectly) wield a machine gun in Air Gear. . . .
@WestwoodDenizen: I love! thumb screws. . . So simple to pop open my case <3
@EljhHck: Do you love me? I just so happen to live IN the universe :D
@interkin3tic: I think Runescape and/or flyff had a system kind of like that. Can't remember though, it's been ages
... =| ?