
@Eamonn: I do not understand the need to link to the dictionary? To me it seemed they used it correctly?

@Boomdiggity!: Well if they had night vision equipment, I could see a fairly powerful laser such as that being intensely bright?

What I want is a tutorial for triple booting Android, iOS and WP7 on my galaxy S =/

@keioloaf: xD I was thinking exactly along those lines. People need to word themselves more carefully when in the field of science.

@truthtellah: Hmm I found what giz has up fairly legible. What you posted does not seem to be much better.

@jpaugh: Well, I can beat you both, I've got a some floppies, and a floppy drive in a computer that is actually used daily :p

@Loonm: Maybe that is a good thing. . .

@DSB7: Your boss. . . .? Wow your lucky.

@randy182: Good ol' fashioned beatings =/ That's what.

@stsdroog: No, that is your inner jigglypuff.

YES! What I think is more important, is that finally clicking a youtube video doesn't automatically direct you to the site in embeds, it PAUSES!.

@asurroca: Who's to say smartphones won't absorb tablets :P

@Pickaxe: . . .but how would we know to pay you if we couldn't see the reply in the first place. . . ?

@sparklelabs: YES! Most definitely :P I bought an arduino but have done little to nothing with it yet. Though the programming part isn't the difficult part, I need to learn about electricity first, since I have some mediocre programming experience to fall back on.

Hmm I just tried macbuntu. As far as I am concerned it seems the exactly the same as MacOS (except for the search thing in the top right). But I also do not have extensive experience with Macs

I really cannot comprehend how any of you think it was appropriate of the father to lure Moore into his house, and then proceed to torture him. . .

@AnakChan: ok, I apologize for being a pedant, but that is not irony. But I am not even sure anymore. . . Irony is misused so often that I can barely even remember what it is myself. . . So nevermind just disregard me.

@meow-mixer: Yeah I was thinking the same. Normally I think of lava as more viscous. . . but due to the series heat and the tremendous force it seems so almost serenely wave like.

@EthanPeter: I imagine it means like the place where the soldiers sleep etc. Their quarters essentially, Soldier baracks.

@thejonbee: Because you are ignoring the commericals, how the cable company earns money in the first place.