@Korrupt: What are you talking about? Who says it is mandatory? Or maybe it is just different for google.ca
@Korrupt: What are you talking about? Who says it is mandatory? Or maybe it is just different for google.ca
I must say, that is one of the cutest bunnies i've ever seen.
The USB of a friend of mine was 12 volts. . . I was concerned. Then so was he when it finally hit him that, that value was waaay too high.
@ThaMofo: Because
@octasquid: Well yeah that's pretty true, though I wouldn't say "everything".
@octasquid: "It only needs the OK from Apple, and . . . ".
You know, when they do this sort of stuff to iphones, I cry "Why not donate it to someone who cares?". But I just don't feel any sort of pity or resentment at this.
This is honestly the best antivirus I have ever used. It doesn't get in my way :/ before this came out I just didn't use antivirus, which also worked out well since I don't get viruses anyway.
@Deoki: "Relatively"
Quick question, what is ROM used for in android devices? Is it basically where they stored the apps (pre 2.2, which now adds support for storing on a card) and the android software?
Honestly I am feeling Evo. From what i've read, Iphone 4 doesn't really seem all that much greater than the previous ones, and the android platform is more relevant to my interests.
I don't get it.
Hmm so far the hardware sounds nice :/ . Now if only someone could port android unto it. . . .
It looks rather nice. The incrementally different sizes should be useful for future sellers to see exactly what size the market wants,
I wonder how many people who use sewing machines are in need of saws :p
@jazzytay: I think it may be new to windows 7
O_O THAT IS AMAZING! (at the volume control per app). I've always wanted something like that. But I also feel like such a noob for not knowing that :(
You guys at lifehacker tell us about many different kind of work styles :p I think it is time a bunch of you tried all or a lot of them out to see which ones truly help.
@GitEmSteveDaveIs32Today: Oh, well I thought I read the article, but apparently I failed :X