
T.V. to Mariah: “I don’t know her”.

Sorry, the problem was with a drunk Diva who did not soundcheck, was disoriented due to intoxicants and who cannot get her stories straight after the fact. Not the first time and won’t be the last. Not sure who you worked for but I have never, ever seen a situation where the talent said their kit wasn’t working and it

The thing about trashily flinging shade around like it’s endlessly fungible is that when you fuck shit up, you’re going to get dog piled and no one is going to defend you at all.

Ugh. I watched this year specifically for Mariah but wtf was that performance she just did?

We can’t lose a Prince a Princess and a Queen in the same year. So Carrie and the Queen will be fine. That’s all.

Now playing

Listen Without Prejudice is a damned good album:

We were listening to Band Aid in the car on our way to my sister’s house today. I told my daughter each singer’s name as they sang. I fucking loved that sentiment, a charity song.

Just when I was like phew, carrie fisher might make it.

Now playing

Best Zsa Zsa moment. (With cameo by Frederic.)

I’m glad you’re reading Bouie’s work, it’s excellent reporting.

$65 is cheap to you? Dang. That makes me feel Midwestern as fuck. I buy my shit for >$10 at Target, but that’s because I break shit and lose things floating down the river (also Midwestern af).

The middle name somehow makes it even more douchey.

LePage threw in first with Chris Christie.

As a proud (lol) Mainer, I can say with almost complete certainly coffee brandy was imbibed prior to that voicemail.

Meanwhile, I’d wager more weed is grown in the woods of Maine by white guys named J-boog, Sully, and Clem than 48 other states.

“I wish it were 1825" — official slogan of the Republican Party in 2016